well - I started on a Panasonic dos machine - had 3 of them - that is after having Commodores 64 & 128 - the software was Verse Search very expensive bible program - I still use it - the original programmer tells me he is retiring & there will be no more development - Pity its search function was (is) like greased lighting
Accounting packages kept in Dos & I sort of missed win 3.1
I spent money on utilities
Ramsgate - the first memory manager
Xfile Pro
A great backup program - I’ll have to look through my old 51/4 floppies for it
I always like to register - I'm fascinated by the thought of people working away to write code over which I'm completely baffled - I often send words of thanks but this is only since we could go on line - I used to have to reduce the packets to a very small size to get them over dirty phone lines & would send a print file ready to print cheques to an office 150 Ks away - I was fascinated that I could do a search in American universities by using satellites in the late 80's
WordStar was my best word processor - actually I have the macros to make word act like WordStar
my early "posts" were fun I actually had a tip printed in the WordStar users mag. My trouble is that I forget so much - I can still program a 4th generation relational database but use one now that ports to windows & Mac that only my daughter can use -
creative sound drivers - used to drive me nuts
boxer text editor - still use
quickline banking
pctools pro
superevoice 2.2
arcada backup
maxtor max blast
th list goes on