Vic, I think you used to use PB - I'd be interested in hearing what you like better about Topicscape.
Hi Melitabel,
The difference is visibility. I have a need to organize a large corpus of information for projects I work on, and I switched from PB to TS because I find I can see where I am in its 3D landscape much better than in the mass of words on a blue (or whatever) background of PB. TS shows more levels of the hierarchy at once, and once I've got to the right general area for what I'm looking for I recognise where I am.
You mentioned attaching a link to a web site - that's one of the things I use a LOT in Topicscape because it's easy - you click on the little icon in the browser's address bar and drag it to Topicscape. I use IE (sorry!) and if I right-click and drag, in one step it makes a Web archive for me, puts it in whichever cone I drop it on and makes a live hyperlink in the source field. That doesn't work in FF though.
If you don't like the visuals as much, well that's just personal taste, but I happen to greatly prefer them - also personal taste!
BTW to help figure out the relationships press F7. It shows colour-coded relationship lines. After using TS for a short time, I stopped needing that.
I think my main criticism of TS would be that it has a lot of features and it takes time to learn them, but I wouldn't go back to PB.
mouser and Dormouse - thanks for the kind words about my site!
Vic The master list of mind mapping &
information management software