Actually the guy from Internet Archives raises some important questions - same which obviously also motivated movie. Googles size, importance worldwide and what will happen as they get bigger and bigger - and is Google even aware of their own importance? Why they show pictures of dogs on the job, playing workers - "a nice place to work" or not a worried thought to be found "I dont have that perspective" as the VP says about Big brother after looking odd at journalist, heh. Some of the avoiding answers to questions suits setup well. So these playful people are ruling the worlds information! Black and white give some contrast and nothing wrong with infotainment
I believe this is made by Dutch Television, good for them they take an interest.
I think you need to watch again, cant see it as job advertising. Try this As you say facts of Google are not yet known - for now one can only assume they are a successful ever expanding company. That is what popular companies do! What did you expect to be revealed?
If I was to become alarmist about Google I would need facts, not just "incidents" like an ad for spyware or whatever. I would want to see actions clearly violating my personal privacy. Such facts do not exist I think and if you know a little bit about Google you notice their whole setup will be gone over night should they be hit by a "scandal". Suicidal for Google to fail users trust. Searching, well may impossible to see through but anyway dont think Google is tracking your searches as if they are interested in you as a person. Google is not just search but lots of services getting more and more integrated - those will be hurt severely by whatever violation disaster you can think of. Game over. Documents, spreadsheets, fotos linked to individuals beats searching keywords by far! They are now offering to run domains for companies even, targeting business world I see no reason to believe they are not upfront about protecting user information. Naturally exploited to the max internally, among the services, but something else. They call it optimizing personal experience or similar.
If US were taken over by Yemen Im sure they would like to have a look at whats inside. May be that also goes for many other institutions keeping private information? Not like Google have key information about all your life - unless you chose to give it. There are dangers in all parts of life, may be your house will be robbed next time you are out.
Remember the size of Google. You can take any company of that size and tear it a part by selecting what you need. MS is good example. Of course they make mistakes, questionable decisions and in our system use their size to compete (Darwin rules). Can be bloody like in any other business. If you are thinking of policy in other countries they will have to adjust - like other companies do.
Im lost with the Hitler, Stalin analogy. Cant relate. Movie is hinting at a future 1 company versus the world situation, like own the company own the world but speculations and really Google is not the only player or that important yet. Other providers of same service appear incompetent/annoying to me - why I and many others chose Google. Simple as that. As I said compare with competition. Are they better or worse regarding your problems with Google? You think people are brainwashed or have any loyality? Dont. I saw a video about MS search developers who were sure Google would be beat in 1-2 years so there is hope
Chose your monster.
And dont think tracking is done exclusively by Google. The more advanced webites with such interests will know about your movements - unless you block. Actually all you need is a Google Analytics account. Mouser could probably track movements on his forum should he wish. Dont be afraid but remember difference between real life and the virtual. Handing out vital personal information online is your choice and responsibility. If you dont trust Google then dont give it to them. If you dont trust anything on internet go offline. World does not dissapear.
To your last worry. Well same answer, Google has no patent on tracking and what you chose to have online is your choice. They state when ever they use personal information - which is hardly personal but in this context is considered as. MS IE7 check your every url to prevent phishing btw. Same thing. We can go on. You know Google Notebook? You chose to have it public or private. Which means if you go public and still keep your bank details in there everyone can search and find that information. Get to know the rules and act accordingly then nothing happens. Dont know what you mean by interaction with this? Of course Google knows how I use their services and of course they have access to all data so what? My ISP know every move I make as well. If I do something illegal online Police can fetch information from ISP. Tracking is all over, get used to it.