Here's an another big fan of UniExtract, i use it on an daily base
If someone is interested, here is my collection of how to integrate UniEx in my favorite file managers:
XYplorer:XYplorer POM (Portable Open-with Menu):Autoextract selected archive to subfolder named as the archive:
+|"UniExtract" *>::run """<xypath>\Tools\UniExtract\UniExtract.exe"" ""<curitem>"" ""<curpath><curbase>""";
or short with UniEx parameter "/sub" (which i found out later):
+|"UniExtract" *>::run """<xypath>\Tools\UniExtract\UniExtract.exe"" ""<curitem>"" /sub";
or if you wanna be prompted by the UniEx dialog just call UniEx with one parameter (the archive) only:
+|"UniExtract Prompt" *>::run """<xypath>\Tools\UniExtract\UniExtract.exe"" ""<curitem>"" ";
XYplorer script for Menu, Catalog or CTB (Customized Toolbar Button):"UniExtract: <curname>"
run """<xypath>\Tools\UniExtract\UniExtract.exe"" ""<curitem>"" /sub";
to be prompted by UniEx
"UniExtract prompt: <curname>"
run """<xypath>\Tools\UniExtract\UniExtract.exe"" ""<curitem>"" ";
Total Commander:%Commander_PATH%\Tools\UniExtract\UniExtract.exe
%P%N "%P%O"
or untested:
%P%N /sub
or to be prompted
Servant Salamander / Altap Salamander:Command: $(SalDir)Tools\UniExtract\UniExtract.exe
Arguments: "$(FullName)" "$(Path)\$(NamePart)"
or untested
Arguments: "$(FullName)" /sub
or to be prompted
Arguments: "$(FullName)"
Inital Dir: $(FullPath)
FreeCommander:To integrate with Free Commander, use this as the parameter: %ActivSel% /sub-jaden
btw, what is the "/sub" for?
"/sub" is an UniExtractor command line parameter to extract the archive automatically
to an sub-folder named as the base name of the archive.
The command line syntax of UniExtractor is
path to\UniExtract.exe [archive] [destination]
path to\UniExtract.exe archive /sub
For example:
X:\Tools\UniExtractor\UniExtractor "D:\Downloads\my downloaded" "D:\Downloads\my downloaded archive"
or simple
X:\Tools\UniExtractor\UniExtractor "D:\Downloads\my downloaded" /sub
For file managers this command line is made universal by using an
file manager-own parameter as placeholder for the real names as shown above
%P%N OR <curitem> OR $(FullName) for path\file.ext
%P OR <curpath> OR $(Path) for path
%N OR <curname> for file.ext
%O OR <curbase> OR $(NamePart) for file
%E OR <curext> for ext
%P%O OR <curpath>\<curbase> OR $(Path)\$(NamePart) for path\file
Depending on the syntax of the file manager you may use.
I was wondering from where *i* got this info and found it on the homepage:
"UniExtract can also be run from the command line. Run UniExtract.exe /? for detailed command line parameters."
So you get an dialog with this text:
Extract files from any archive type or installer package.
Usage: UniExtract.exe [/help | /prefs] [filename [destination]]
Supported Arguments:
/help Display this help information
/prefs Adjust the UniExtract preferences
filename Name of file to extract
destination Directory to which to extract
Passing /sub instead of a destination directory name instructs
Universal Extractor to extract to subdirectory named after the archive.
UniExtract.exe c:\1\ c:\test
Running Universal Extractor without any arguments will
prompt the user for the filename and destination directory.