The actual realmedia format may be good, but its implementation was horrible, and that's what turned me off. If I understood correctly, this question was about the Realplayer software, not the format itself. I've always hated the software and probably always will. Back in the 90's, I was able to tame the software to turn most of it's bloat off and not allow to take over all of my file extensions. But now, fortunately, realmedia doesn't have a monopoly on streaming software anymore, as more and more websites are using wmv and quicktime also (not that quicktime is any good). Oh and flash is being used more now also. So, now that I don't need realplayer anymore, I don't worry about it. I have realplayer alternative for emergencies, which I haven't used for at least a couple of years. Sorry mouser, I know you like the format, but I say good riddance.
My universally most hated pieces of software (in no particular order):
Realplayer, Quicktime, AOL, Kazaa (is it even around anymore).