I'm looking for a hotstring/textpander software.
Texter from
lifehacker is my favorite choice and still almost works great. But...
- It doesn't support unicode
- It lack of some features(which i will talk next)
- Its in aged ahk codes and not under maintained since 2007
What I need/want.I hope the
UI(hotstring management) can be list mode but not tabs to much more convenient and make sense.
It has normal/text(text,
%|--cursor position....etc) and script(
^v--ctrl+v, something included by{}, eg.
{enter}--enter...etc) modes
I hope you can maybe add more build in parameters like those above to extend its features.
For me the most wanted features is to add multi clipboard contend support. For example
somecmdprog -i %c -o %c1 -p %c2Thus i can copy three content then execute this hotsting one time to run the cmd. this is extreme helpful in some conditions.
Or maybe you can add some build-in/user-defined parameter to choose from the menu directly.
That's my opinion, I still have some other ideas to add-in.
added time: 2019/11/13 21:58
Texter don't have
description section(Which is also useful to what I'm gonna mention next.
SHARED hotstrings). It's useful when you have too much
hotstring(eg. ffmpeg, youtube-dl...) and don't figure out what it really does.
Maybe you can add some community or
online shared resource service support. So people can share their USEFUL
hotstrings to others. like JACK's
magick hotstring packs, TOM's
nircmd packs... This should be fun and make the usage of cmd programs much easier.
Sorry for my English.