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Author Topic: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings  (Read 7018 times)


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Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« on: December 10, 2016, 06:38 PM »

first of all, hello to all of you!

i am here because i am in need of some tools to help me out in my sorting things...

I need to sort several movies folder names by genre.

the name of the folders are like this.


so, the app should read the folder name, identify the movie name Jeremy Clarkson Thriller and move or create a symbolic link into a Sorted/Genre folder.

Not sure if i was explicit, feel free to ask.

i may need to add other options into the application.

Feel free to email me or pm me. I am willing to pay for this :)

thank you


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Re: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2017, 04:42 AM »
SortMoviesByGenre creates links to movies, placing them in folders of genre, based on parts of their filename. :)

SortMoviesByGenre.jpgFolder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings

I'm not sure how standardized your foldernames are. I added an option to separate the title and genre from the rest of the folder name by a user defines text, but maybe separating by genre would be better? I could add all the IMDB genres to the file, and use that to split the folder names.

Download and install AutoHotkey to run the script.
Save the script to a text file called SortMoviesByGenre.ahk and double click to run.


Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. ;SortMoviesByGenre.ahk
  2. ; Create links to movies, placing them in folders of genre, based on parts of their filename
  3. ;Skrommel @2017
  6. IniRead,moviefolder,SortMoviesByGenre.ini,Settings,moviefolder
  7. IniRead,sortedfolder,SortMoviesByGenre.ini,Settings,sortedfolder
  8. IniRead,separator,SortMoviesByGenre.ini,Settings,separator
  9. If moviefolder=ERROR
  10.   moviefolder=C:\Movies
  11. If sortedfolder=ERROR
  12.   sortedfolder=C:\Sorted
  13. If separator=ERROR
  14.   separator=.DVD,.CAM,.XVID
  16. Gui,Add,Text,xm,Folder with movies
  17. Gui,Add,Edit,xm w300 vmoviefolder,% moviefolder
  18. Gui,Add,Button,x+5 w50 GBROWSEMOVIE,&Browse
  19. Gui,Add,Text,xm,Folder to put links sorted by genre into
  20. Gui,Add,Edit,xm w300 vsortedfolder,% sortedfolder
  21. Gui,Add,Button,x+5 w50 GBROWSESORTED,B&rowse
  22. Gui,Add,Text,xm,Text separating title and genre from the rest of the name.`nUse , between separators
  23. Gui,Add,Edit,xm w300 vseparator,% separator
  24. Gui,Add,Button,xm w50 GSORT +Default,&Sort
  25. Gui,Add,StatusBar,,Skrommel @ 2017
  26. Gui,Show,,SortMoviesByGenre
  27. Return
  31. {
  32.   FileSelectFolder,newmoviefolder,% "*" moviefolder,3,Select folder with movies
  33.   If ErrorLevel=1
  34.     Return
  35.   IfExist,% newmoviefolder
  36.     Break
  37.   MsgBox,% "The movie folder could not be found!"
  38. }
  39. GuiControl,,moviefolder,% newmoviefolder
  40. Return
  44. {
  45.   FileSelectFolder,newsortedfolder,% "*" sortedfolder,3,Select folder with movies
  46.   If ErrorLevel=1
  47.     Return
  48.   IfExist,% newsortedfolder
  49.     Break
  50.   MsgBox,% "The sorted folder could not be found!"
  51. }
  52. GuiControl,,sortedfolder,% newsortedfolder
  53. Return
  56. Gui,Submit,NoHide
  57. IfNotExist,% moviefolder
  58. {
  59.   MsgBox,% "The movie folder could not be found!"
  60.   Return
  61. }
  63. IniWrite,% moviefolder,SortMoviesByGenre.ini,Settings,moviefolder
  64. IniWrite,% sortedfolder,SortMoviesByGenre.ini,Settings,sortedfolder
  65. IniWrite,% separator,SortMoviesByGenre.ini,Settings,separator
  67. SB_SetText("Sorting moivies into " sortedfolder "...")
  68. Loop,% moviefolder "\*.*",2,0
  69. {
  70.   first=999                                           ;Extract title and genre
  71.   Loop,Parse,separator,`,
  72.   {
  73.     If (pos>0 And pos<first)
  74.       first:=pos
  75.   }
  76.   StringLeft,titlegenre,A_LoopFileName,% first
  78.   StringSplit,part_,titlegenre,`.                     ;Extract genre
  79.   genre:=part_%part_0%
  81.   title=                                              ;Extract title
  82.   Loop,% part_0-1
  83.     title:=title part_%A_Index% " "
  84.   title=% title
  86.   FileCreateDir,% sortedfolder "\" genre                ;Create link
  87.   FileCreateShortcut,% A_LoopFileLongPath,% sortedfolder "\" genre "\" title ".lnk"
  88. }
  89. SB_SetText("Finished sorting movies into " sortedfolder)
  90. Return
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 05:01 PM by skrommel »


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Re: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2017, 05:04 AM »
Wait.. what just happened?  :huh:


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Re: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2017, 05:57 AM »
Maybe @skrommel responded to the OP through a wormhole in the space-time continuum, or som'at.
It's a funny old world.


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Re: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2017, 07:07 AM »


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Re: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2017, 10:59 AM »
This is the moment we've been training all these years for... All DC members who have been certified in level 4 skrommel containment please report to your nearest space-time gate! Suit up and prepare for operation SKROMMEL CAPTURE.


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Re: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2017, 11:48 AM »
^ That's cute!


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Re: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2017, 12:48 PM »
The legend returns!

Welcome back Skrommel! We hope you'll stick around a while. :Thmbsup:


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Re: Folder Sorter by IMDB genre / ratings
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2017, 07:07 AM »
its back Skrommel!