Thanks for the invitation (I'm the coder/admin from yourep)
so.. what is coming down the pipe besides the current server going down the drain?
This evening I finished up the most important part of the API (that I didnt make public yet). But you can expect the most important functions being done by the end of the week - if moving to the new server doesnt take up to much time.
A lot from the basic service is done already.. here list with the most important things:
after registering you can upload two ways:
- either you pick a couple files one by one .. or
- you pack a zip file with photos and upload that zip file (batch-upload)
what can you do with the images:
- you can add a title and comment to them
- add tags
- add notes (by marking a part of the image) and define peope, objects
- you can turn images 90, 180 or 270°
- make pics public, private or viewable for friends only (only available before upload for now)
- images will be saved in a couple different sizes
- you can hotlink the sizes box, thumb, small
now whats up with those folders (you can find it under the link "folder browser)
- you can create folders, rename and delete them
- move images from one folder into another with a single click (using the click-action menu)
- add images into galleries with a single click (click-action)
also in the folder browser you can find functions that are not added to other places for now:
- code collector .. click on the images you want the BB or HTML-code for (for the owner only for now)
- create galleries
- edit title
- edit description
- change order of images with two click .. pick the image to move, pick the image it should be moved after
- ...
slideshows are partly done
you can search for tags, objects and people
advances search is still missing
messaging center
- write messages to other users
and much more.. perhaps check out the list here:
http://www.yourep.com/nav/learn_morealso I post new things into the news section:
http://www.yourep.com/nav/newsI think I could write an hour about the site and upcoming functions.. but simply check it out yourself
I hope I get some feedback