There is an open-source music recognition project called (appropriately) "My Music Recognition" that is currently looking for testers:
'Testers wanted' announcement:,2ocb,7opb,1zwy,l1rr
Home site:
GHacks review:
--- stream of consciousness thread warning ---Well, I've been trying it out, and so far... jack all.
Some of the songs I've been playing/testing:
Led Zeppelin:
Rock and Roll
The Ocean
Good Times Bad Times
Whole Lotta Love <--- Didn't get no love!

Judas Priest:
Defenders of the Faith
Breaking the Law <---- The most recognisable metal riff in history!
Pink Floyd:
Goodbye Blue Skies
Wish You Were Here
The installation was smooth enough, but it took forever to enter an API key as the software froze up with every action. I managed to struggle through the pain, but it was horrid. Once the API key was entered, it seemed to run ok, but I got zero results from it.
So... I guess I'm back to my original position. This isn't stand alone software that you can simply write and give out. This is a major friggin' effort to get this done sanely.
Oh crap...
It just recognized "Wish You Were Here" now! And "Money"!
Ok... giving it a bit more of a chance...
And now it's recognized "The Ripper"!
Trying "Breaking the Law" again... And it got it!

"Rock and Roll" again...
Nailed it again.
Seems that it needs to "warm up".
Checking on "partials" now... (Which I did before above...)
7 minutes into "Stairway to Heaven" and no recognition... not good... Finished and no recognition.
Back to "The Ripper"... 1:20 into it and no recognition. At 2:25 it got it, but the song is only 2:51 long.
Sorry. But I'm giving this a "fail".
The entire point to audio fingerprinting is to take a snapshot and then return a result. This doesn't do it reliably.
Cripes! Now it got "Drugged and Driving" by the Dayglo Abortions at 1:00!
I don't know what to make of this.
One last test from Youtube here: (Fair warning - the content of the video will upset some special snowflakes.)
There's some background music there that I don't know what it is, and I'd really like to know... which got me started on this post...
The music starts at around 3:05 or so.
No luck.

It seems to be able to identify some songs on disk (which are probably already known), but not reliably, and not quickly, and also can't identify music set against speech in a video.
I guess I'm back to the online solution not really working all that well. I guess Gracenote charges for a reason.