And I'm still looking for the option to sort the Navigation Pane. There are sort options all over the page but the one for the Nave Pane eludes me huh
Thanks for the reply but if there was help there I missed it.
I thought it was only fair to give you an update of what is transpiring here.............
I downloaded the 32 bit ISO for the Win10 Preview.
Burned it to a DVD using Image Burn.
Clean install on a 64 bit machine.
Install finishes, a bright multicolored rainbow background appears.
Hit the space bar and the login appears.
I log in and open File Explorer.
The drive letters in Navigation Pane are not in alphabetical order. Strange but it is a beta, and I usually run them if I have a slot to put them in. Having read that users were having problems with installing I did a little checking and then posted to DC hoping the problem I was having was the same as the one others were having.
Having run many betas previously I started System File Checker and it found corrupt files, some of them it couldn't fix.
It also produced a log of errors it found that ran 3700kb and one helluva long scroll to read.
Completely unacceptable and I think it was about that time I posted what I had found to DC.
Having nothing to lose I ran setup again in an "over the top" install.
When that finished the Nave Pane was still in the same non-alphabetical order so I punched up SFC, again from an elevated command prompt, and when finished that reported "un-fixable" files, Nave Pane no improvement, but the log file of errors had dropped to 2100kb. Some improvement but still unacceptable!
I began getting advice from DC and a request for a screenshot. Apparently I had set something wrong and the Nave Pane wound up out of alphabetical order.
Since I have a virgin, default install in front of me and I haven't "set" anything, combined with the knowledge that the Navigation Pane is not, I repeat... Not, sortable by a user, I chose to disregard all that free advice and ask some questions.
The next step is to give Windows "Repair"/Reset a go.
Inserted the DVD and rebooted.
The install screen opened and I selected "Repair".
I immediately got a response "Your computer is not repairable".
Having some experience in the field, I immediately suspected a bad burn and proceeded to burn another DVD from my original downloaded ISO.
Got a mess on Drive C: on that machine so a clean install is essential.
A clean install with a freshly burned DVD duplicated the original install.
Simple deduction tells me "hey buddy, you got a bad download! Seems reasonable to me under the circumstances.
The machine with the bad install sat there awhile, HDD light flickered occasionally, and then the light flickered rapidly and the machine emitted a strange sound repeatedly until I hit the reset button and got it shut down.
With a five and a half hour download required to get fresh install media I think I'll wait awhile.
A new release by MS might give me a better shot at a compatible ISO.
That about brings things up to the minute! Is there anything here that you can agree with?