That principle could well be in action with these "moving rocks" also.
Empiric method. Innit great?
You betcha! Saves endless speculation and "explanations" of how it had to be aliens and UFO technology that made it possible.
This rube has made a career of it:
(see attachment in previous post)
Huh? But it was. The article is just yet another colossal government cover-up to hide secret Pleiadian anti-gravity technologies that they got from a downed UFO in New Mexico in 1957. (They've been unable to locate the downed spacecraft in the desert in the article - that's the real culprit here! It probably crashed hundreds of years ago and is still pumping out anti-grav fields from it's worm-tractor propulsion drives.)
But that's not the real story - they got a damaged zero-point energy device there as well, but weren't able to fully reverse engineer it until 1983 when they did a secret technology trade with the Russians, who had previously recovered a partially functional ZPE device in Siberia. This all started at the weaponized warfare treaty conference - the one signed in 1977 - but took 6 years to conclude as an additional "weaponized alien technology treaty" (mostly about directed energy weapons) was also needed, and while Jimmy Carter was more amicable, Ronald Reagan demanded harsher conditions, which caused some friction with the Russians, delaying the signing.
And that's just one tiny fragment of the beginning!!!
So you see, it really all was about aliens!

For realz!