^I cannot believe any Russians would promote Ukraine so heavily! Look at the huge motive on the building in the back; Ukraine's Coat of arms all over:
Coat of arms of UkrainewHowever, no one in Western Europe will call Ukraine for Europe. It's Eastern Europe; it's another world.
I don't understand where in Ukraine it might be. If it's in the north, it would probably be close to the border of Belarus. But why would Ukraine provoke Belarus with this huge coat of arms? If it's in the south, it would be at the border to
Crimea. This would make sense, but doesn't match my inner picture of this area (I have never been there), looking at the map. But it might be my best guess all the same:
What, 4wd, are you sitting on a Crimean jetty, looking at Ukraine on the other side of the bridge?
2) Half an hour later, I realize that the big coat of arms doesn't have to be hostile, but may be to encourage loyalty. That means the picture could be from
Kiev with its many bridges across Dnepr.