Site designed by the author's granddaughter, who did the work while avoiding the far more weighty assignment of her literature test
I see it runs in the family
It all comes down to things you have to do vs things you want to do. Even if the things you have to do are things you want to do, if they are work you are not going to want to do them. You will put them off till the last minute.
The best procrastinators can do in 6 hours what it would take a normal person 6 months to do. And it will look as if they took 12 months to do it rather than 6 hours. And they know this. And they work better under they put it off and do other things in order to create that pressure on themselves that brings out the best in them.
But there is a need for a firm deadline for this to work. If something is due "sometime" it will never get done. If it's due tomorrow, it will get done tonight.
The greatest procrastinators are efficiency experts. They know just how & where to cut corners without compromising quality..and often times they increase quality with their corner cutting.
And my comment about it running in the's true. Effective procrastination is a learned behavior, passed down from generation to generation...or it could be a genetic trait...I am not sure...but I do know it runs in families. I come from a long line of them myself....and my daughter is even better at it than I am.