Here's something to consider for the future ...
Can see the logic if phones get bigger - 6.5" screen almost the same as a 7" tablet.
We'll see. Tablets, phones, phablets....most of these words are only defining the sizes of the computing devices, and the articles and the way most people discuss these things are not terribly productive.
The Windows tablets stand alone in terms of raw power/productivity. There is nothing else right now that is that small with the kind of power that it offers. Android and iOS, regardless of the size of the screen, can't really do much beyond media consumption (gross exaggeration, but valid when compared to a Windows PC).
To me, all these devices are insignificant at this point. The way people are using phones and tablets, none of these developments are a big deal (other than the Surface Pro offerings, which most people don't care about currently). Bigger screens, faster cpu's, more memory...none of this matters to me as far as earth shattering improvements.
When Mac OSX becomes available on a touch device, now that will be big news. When Linux goes on touch devices, that will be big news. Windows is already on touch devices, but nobody cares mainly due to price and perhaps some ridiculously ignorant reasons otherwise.
I don't know what is holding back the full OS powered touch devices, even MS has been very cautious with rolling it out. I personally think full OS powered tablets are a significant threat to way most businesses work, especially large ones with folks sitting at desktop computers or laptops. What happens when a loaded Windows tablet is the same price as a desktop+monitor? Why will people need to be in a building, or cubicle? I mean, this has been coming for a while because of the internet. But with the desktop computer, you are still tethered to a cubicle, with the only reason for not being at another location being "secuirty". But with the tablets, sheesh, that will be a more difficult argument. Make calls on your phone, do your work on your tablet...don't need buildings or any location specific needs.
Let's root for the tablet. The politics of this will be very messy.
I can already tell that as connected as I am, this surface pro tablet has really made an impact on me, this is the future. Once Android and Apple start running out of unimportant ideas like smartwatches and tablets/phones of varying sizes, they'll be forced to implement these more powerful ideas. They're just sitting on it right now.