Hello Peter
thank you likewise for your elaborate writing & additions.
Since i saw some questions (whether rhetoric or actual),
and since no one else seems to value RightNote as much,
to write any fancy reviews on it here :-),
i thought the least what i could do was
to respond to some of the questions in the hope,
to be of benefit to at least somebody out there :-)
Clarifying Folder Tags
Above in weaknesses you describe that
folder tags are NOT automatically updated
when items are moved,
here you seem to say the contrary,
or then I simply misunderstood
what you said above I suppose?
The folder tags feature, can do the following:
- any note can be transformed into a "folder" (by e.g. right-clicking -> Folder)
- from there on all the sub-items of that folder, automatically receive the folder entire name/title as a tag
- any new item created right in that folder, automatically receives the folder name as a tag
- any new item (or hundreds of items at once) dragged into that folder, automatically receives the folder name as a tag
- any item (or hundreds of items at once) that get dragged out of that folder, unto somewhere outside of a folder, gets their former folder tag automatically deleted
- any item (or hundreds of items at once) that is dragged or moved, from this folder into another folder tags folder, will automatically get their previous folder tag deleted, and replace with the new folder tag, where it is in.
- and what's especially nice, is that you can ADD as many as you want ADDITIONAL tags to the folder, and make them to be "folder tags" as-well, which then get automatically applied to ALL the folder's sub-items as-well,
and you can later of course remove or rename any of the folder tags of the top folder, and have all the changes instantly reflected in all the sub-items as-well.
So far so good, because all the above mentioned tag operations were done
within the same tree of that same one page/tab.
But RightNote can have as many "pages" or "tabs" as you want,
and which is not a hoisting, but every new created "page" aka. tab,
gets to have its very own, fully, from the scratch up new & empty created tree,
that can be fully customized independently of any of the others.
(unlike many other Outliners, which merely offer a "tabs" feature,
that only allows you to quickly switch between 2 or more open notes back & forth,
with but the tree pane always staying fixed and the same (such as e.g. in MemoMaster),
because these Outliners only are able to have 1 single tree per 1 file, whereas but RightNote
can have as many separate & distinct trees as you like, of always
1 tree per 1 page,
being fully independent of each other - and yet still all within the same single RightNote file.
But that which sadly does
not work yet, is:
- when you got 2 (or of course many more) pages/tabs created,
and you now want to drag/move an item (or group of items)
that lie within a tags folder on one page (on Tree 1),
to a tags folder that lies on another page (on Tree 2),
and you begin by dragging them unto that desired page/tab header,
which auto-switches you to that other page/other tree,
and you then (while still holding the left mouse) then release the items
DIRECTLY unto that other tags folder of that other page,
while it will move the items, it will sadly
not replace
neither the old tag of the former folder that it is in no more,
neither add the new folder tag of the new folder it is new in now,
- but just stay "unchanged", with the old folder tag remaining, in but the new tag folder inside,
and thus starting to slowly mess up your tagging & search/finding accuracy.
But i nevertheless praised the automatic folder tags feature,
because it does work perfectly as claimed, as long as you just stay within the same page/same tree.
and because this is a bug, that Rael has been informed of and said would be fixed in a coming update.
And in the meantime, one can use the following workaround to solve the problem,
and achieve the same effect in just a 2 step process, as follows:
1. drag the items unto the new page/tree,
and release it anywhere on the new tree,
not yet into the final target tags folder,
and which upon release will automatically delete
all the previous folder tags - so that half of the job is thus accomplished.
2. And then from there just select & drag the items again,
now into that desired tag folder that is located within that same page,
and you'll see all the items being perfectly assigned with the new tag folder tags
- so that thus the whole job is accomplished, and which again works here perfectly,
because again this 2nd action is just another operation staying within the same page/tree.
Clarifying Pages
So a tab/file is a "page"; as said, such very particular vocabulary doesn't make any sense,
but one file/tab/page with several trees? What are we speaking about here?
Or do you simply mean hoisting, several hoisted sub-trees in different panes, anywhere on the screen?
RightNote offers Hoisting within the same page/same tree,
via e.g. simply selecting a folder and right-clicking "Hoist" to it,
which can be useful to focus in say a very large tree,
especially when many or all of its folders are set to be expanded.
but there is a MUCH BETTER way to organize your information,
and that is using "pages" as i shall now describe again, but a bit differently:
"Pages" are not hoisting (which is limited to only within the same page/tree),
and "Pages" is also MUCH more than just merely adding tabs, as again, each new added page,
receives a new,
fully distinct &
independently customizable full tree just for itself,
so that again unlike many other Outliners, where it is only possible to have 1 tree per 1 file (i.e. 1 database),
RightNote can have 100+ separate trees all within the same one single RightNote file,
and with each tree of each page, staying perfectly 100% exactly just as you left it the last time (which is very nice)
so that you can perfectly sub-divide your database, into sections, and make each section of your database a page,
and then use that page's new created empty tree, for your basic organization of your items,
and then the tagging - which is
global over everything - as thus your custom designed precise & instant search engine,
and with the EXTRA BENEFIT that in the tag search results, all the result items are automatically grouped and divided
according to what page they are located on (and since pages too can be assigned custom names / colors / icons,
it allows you thus to extremely quickly find & drill down to your desired items).
And yes, each page/tab can be
individually configured as to WHERE you like that page's tree to be placed in,
whether either in a left position, or in a top position above the editor, so to get the full benefit for extra long titles
(as originally described in the still good section).
Clarifying Page-Transfer & Floating Tree
But here again, I'm intrigued by your mentioning special RN terms,
by saying "and finally, the integrated so called “page transfer” AND “floating tree” feature,
that both allow one to transfer in & out items on either a per tab/page basis (page transfer)
or an individual per folder notes section basis (floating tree) from & to another notebook
(actually up to & from 3 others open simultaneously)" -
. . . I don't understand what this "page transfer" here would mean:
Are we really speaking of several independent trees in one db, and a "notebook" would be a db?
1 RightNote file (*.rnt) = 1 Database
1 Page/Tab within that .rnt file = 1 Tree in that Database
and so called "Page Transfer" feature (which is indeed very useful)
allows one to move
1 page at a time from one .rnt file, into another .rnt file,
or in other words, from one database, to another database.
And which is especially useful when wanting, say only to migrate one section, into another database,
or when your file (for some reason may sluggish, or over-bloated by many attachments deleted,
and then instead of doing the database "compact" feature which can take like 30min or longer,
it is often quicker to just "page transfer" into a brand new empty database created .rnt file,
and thus benefit from getting instantly the minimum possible file size AND the maximum possible stability
(since it is of course a brand new file) and with only the dis-advantage to having the search index
to be re-created again, to allow for fast searches again in the new moved into database,
but honestly i stopped using searches all together, and do 99% of my searching only via
the even more quicker and much more flexible tags search only)
And in the "page transfer" window, RightNote allows you up to 4 different .rnt files to be opened simultaneously
and to criss-cross transfer thus between them as you like.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
But the "floating tree" feature, is different, in that here you can even more precisely
drag not pages, but individual files or folders (with of course all their sub-items at once)
into another database aka. another .rnt file
Clarifying Tagging Maximum
...with 1,000 tags, you can bring down this program.
To clarify this a bit more, i actually use RightNote with 12'000+ total tags and it works perfectly quick,
(only the initial importing of them took much time, as it only could handle about 300-500er sets each)
but the actual limitation of the program comes, when you got
a single tag assigned to more than 1000 items,
so that when you click then on that single tag in the Tag List, Righnote has to instantly pull-up 1000 items
and put them into the tag search results preview, and which 90% of the time
crashes the program (even if you have plenty of memory left).
So RightNote can indeed be scaled up to about 10-15K tags, but only as long as you keep the items
under each single tag to about a 500 items max., since if you push one tag too much up to like 700 or more,
then the crashes will begin :-)) (and which again is not that crazy as it may sound at all, for if you for example,
set a top level tags folder, and put under it various sub tag-folders, then over time the top level folder tag,
can quickly start to accumulate items and go beyond 700, and from there start to "crash" eventually
that is, if you ever need to search for it, but what would be the benefit of tagging, if you never search for it ;-)