It don't matter what you think of it copy protection is coming.
True, but...
And no matter what the greedy bastards come up with, the pirates will always be able to make their copies, so in the end only us legitimate users are hurt.
just as true, and maybe more relevant.
The only people the record industry is hurting is their customers, not the pirates.
Copy protection as a term is by and large a myth.
See copy protection is a game of "who is more clever", and when you have 10 or 20 people, being paid, to create a protection scheme, you have 1000-2000 people working, as a hobby, on breaking it.
Who do you think will win that game? The small crowd who does it because they get paid to do it, or the large crowd who does it because they think it is fun?
In the end, every protectionscheme that is made will be broken and circumvented by those that really wants to, and left standing punished for it, is the legitimate consumers who will have to endure all the crap those protectionschemes bring with them.