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Developer's Corner / Re: New Twist on Basic
« on: April 28, 2011, 10:47 PM »
Looks just like a kind of merger of AutoIt3 and AutoHotKey to me,
Well, you obviously don't have a clue so who needs your $21.95.
AutoHotKey is for script kiddies.
AutoIt3 is a pretty good and powerful script language, just goes to show the level of "programmers" who exist here.
Save your comments for 4chan.

Developer's Corner / New Twist on Basic
« on: April 26, 2011, 11:28 PM »
There's a new Indy Basic that I think has a lot of potential.
Accesses the API, NASM, small executable, compiles resources, OOP and some COM.
Here's an example program of a modeless dialog.
##define IDD_DLG1 1000
##define IDC_STC1 1001
##define IDC_BTN1 1002
@API DestroyWindow(hwnd:int),int
@API CreateDialogParamA(hInstance:int,lpTemplateName:pointer,hWndParent:int,lpDialogFunc:int,dwInitParam:int),int
int hinstance,hwnd,hdialog,hicon,item
win.Open(0,0,240,180,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|WS_VISIBLE|BUFFERED|CENTERED,0,"Modeless Dialog",NULL,&handler)
win.AddControlEx("BUTTON","Click Me!",120,5,70,25,0,0,100)
hicon = ExtractIconA(hinstance,"dia2.exe",0)
hinstance= GetModuleHandleA(0)

do:processmessages():until win.GetHandle()=NULL
func handler(WINDOW wnd),int
select wnd.Message
select wnd.ControlID
case 100
if wnd.NotifyCode = 0 and item = 0 then
hdialog = CreateDialogParamA(hinstance,IDD_DLG1,hwnd,&ToolDlgProc,0)
item = 1
end if
end select
end select
return 0
func ToolDlgProc(hwnd:int, Message:uint,wParam:int,lParam:int)
Select Message
If LOWORD(wParam) = IDC_BTN1 then DestroyWindow(hdialog)
item = 0
End Select
Return 0
Give it a look, there's a demo version and if you like it it's only $21.95....License includes free updates.

Living Room / Re: Egypt Blacks Out Internet!
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:32 PM »
Anyone else notice how the current U.S. administration made efforts to put into place an Internet kill switch for the President but responds to Egypt by saying that shutting down of Internet is a "sign of dictators"?

See: Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers

Anyone from Egypt or in touch with people who are who can give us an update from your perspective?

Nobody in Egypt has internet right now, so I don't think so. :P
Best reason I've ever seen to tell government to keep their hands off the internet.

Personally I'm more disturbed by DHS taking a role that in reality has very little to do with the purpose that they were created for.
There are other entities charged with the responsibility of enforcing copyright law and going after violators with the means at their disposal to take the proper steps.
The move of DHS into what is in essence a domestic issue not involving national security extends it's powers in a way that wasn't even suggested by the administration that created it.
If this is the trend of the current administration then the paranoia of a few years ago is becoming a reality.

Living Room / Homeland Security Shutting Down Web Copyright Violators
« on: November 26, 2010, 09:00 PM »
How this is a function of national security is beyond me.

Homeland Security seizes domain names
The investigative arm of the Homeland Security Department appears to be shutting down websites that facilitate copyright infringement.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has seized dozens of domain names over the past few days, according to TorrentFreak.
ICE appears to be targeting sites that help Internet users download copyrighted music, as well as sites that sell bootleg goods, such as fake designer handbags.
The sites are replaced with a note from the government: "This domain named has been seized by ICE, Homeland Security Investigations."

The underlying issue is self-publication and freedom of speech.
Actually that's a pretty weak excuse on Amazons part, if it were true then there would be a hardcore porn category in their listings. There is no denying that porn is profitable.
They make decisions every day on what is appropriate to sell and what is not and as a private company they are not bound by "free speech" issues.
They have every right not to offer this ebook if they so choose.

Living Room / Re: Request: Facebook Sharing
« on: October 18, 2010, 06:23 AM »
Facebook seems to have a lot of privacy issues.
Facebook in Privacy Breach
Many of the most popular applications, or "apps," on the social-networking site Facebook Inc. have been transmitting identifying information—in effect, providing access to people's names and, in some cases, their friends' names—to dozens of advertising and Internet tracking companies, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found.

The issue affects tens of millions of Facebook app users, including people who set their profiles to Facebook's strictest privacy settings. The practice breaks Facebook's rules, and renews questions about its ability to keep identifiable information about its users' activities secure.

The problem has ties to the growing field of companies that build detailed databases on people in order to track them online—a practice the Journal has been examining in its What They Know series. It's unclear how long the breach was in place. On Sunday, a Facebook spokesman said it is taking steps to "dramatically limit" the exposure of users' personal information.

"A Facebook user ID may be inadvertently shared by a user's Internet browser or by an application," the spokesman said. Knowledge of an ID "does not permit access to anyone's private information on Facebook," he said, adding that the company would introduce new technology to contain the problem identified by the Journal.


Sounds to me like something a teacher might use.
I don't have time to search right now because I'm at work but there are all kinds of free software out there for educators. You might want to start there.

I think it's an interesting concept and uploaded it to play around with.
It does install pretty easy although I had a few errors, but it works as advertised.
I would imagine it could be useful under a few circumstances and quite easy for a total newbie to get their feet wet putting up a little blog and breaking into writing one for the first time.

Plus I just like the idea of some little guy coming up with an idea and making it happen.

As nice as a lot of these calender programs are, for my purposes, most are the equivalent of bringing a sledge hammer to drive a tack.
My needs are way simpler than all the features provided, I'd spend more time learning how to use it than entering the alerts I would need.
But it is one impressive program and for those with a need for it it would be a keeper.  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Tipping - Why does this appear to be a "requirement"?
« on: September 16, 2010, 02:47 PM »
personally i'd much rather pay higher prices and have a waiter who isn't trying to be fake nice hoping to get a good tip, and just being like a normal person on a job.  i very much dislike the fake game of trying to kiss the ass of the customers hoping they will give you a good tip.

if we follow the logic of tipping to it's natural conclusion, we'd be tipping everyone -- cops, airplane pilots, bus drivers, etc.  i don't think that's a good idea.
If a cop would take the time to just wing me as opposed to taking a center mass shot I would think that would be worth some kind of gratuity.

Living Room / Re: lap top cooling pad
« on: August 14, 2010, 12:33 PM »

I bought a Belkin pad for my wife's laptop.  Puts it at a nice angle .  Speedfan consistently shows the core temps between   25 and 34 C.

She had an old Dell Inspiron 2600 from 2001 or 2  HD  fried . I put in a new HD and reinstalled XP.  Speedfan only shows the HD temp on this one so I tried your  cputemp.
 It shows temp of 0 C or 32 F which I don't think can be correct. 

That means that it doesn't have the sensor needed to return the values from MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature, like I said, I didn't include any error checking in the script because I basically just wrote it for myself.
I just thought it might be useful to some here considering the title of the thread.
When you google "cpu temperature monitor" there's all kinds of freeware utilities out there you can download and try, most of them rely on the MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature instance to operate.
If Speedfan only shows the HD temp then it relies on MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature instance also and confirms the lack of the cpu sensor.
You could try Motherboard Monitor which installs a driver to read info from your BIOS I believe.
Other than that I really haven't looked to hard into the other alternatives to return thermal information from the system.
When I have more time I may read up more on it.

You know I've been reading this thread with a mixture of amusement and sadness at the same time and it just reinforces something that I've believed for a while.
So I'm going to take a moment and go off topic just a little bit.
The GPL itself is stupid and evil.
There I said it......if someone releases their code into the wild it's naive to believe, no matter how it's licensed, that some one....somewhere...will not create derivative works from it.
Even if that code inspires someone to go in a completely different direction from what it was initially created to do the inclusion of one line allows others to claim some kind of infringement and stifles further creativity based upon whatever minuscule amount of GPL code used as a base.
IMO any code that is released into the wild should have one, and only one, restriction....and that is that some acknowledgement be made to the originator for any derivative works springing from it.

Because all the GPL does in my experience is cause these kinds of melt downs.

My 2 cents.

Living Room / Re: A Silly Wish: EULA Summaries...
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:15 PM »
Video-game shoppers surrender their immortal souls
On April Fool's day, the online game store added language to its clickthrough license that asked customers to surrender their immortal souls, though it offered a checkbox to opt out if you wanted to keep yours. 7,500 customers did not check the box.

Living Room / Re: lap top cooling pad
« on: July 29, 2010, 08:50 PM »
Funny you should bring this up.
I wrote a little tray app for the heck of it that sits in the tray and monitors the CPU temperature using the MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature wmi and displays it in a tool-tip along with the critical trip point temp.
You can choose degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.
MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature is supported on all machines but not all cpu's have a temperature sensor.
So it may not work on some computers.
There's no error checking basically because I wrote it for myself, I've been using it for over a month on my WinXP SP3 just to see how it does.
But I intend to get to that and add the option of displaying the temp in the system tray.
Anyway, if anyone would like to try it out and let me know how it works I would appreciate it.
If it's something folks would like to have I'll enhance it.
Source is included.

Name one thing....just one....that any government agency has done efficiently and within budget.
That's where your answer is.

General Software Discussion / Re: A cool Screen saver
« on: June 30, 2010, 08:47 PM »
Whether you like screen savers or not I thought that the implementation was really nice. The movement is very smooth and the patterns IMO are clever.
Also I thought it would be a nice segue to provide a link to ZGameEditor for those who might be interested in something like this.

General Software Discussion / A cool Screen saver
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:30 PM »
I ran across this really cool screen saver written in ZGameEditor that really impressed me.
You can find it here.
The guy who wrote it really deserves some kudos, it's very impressive IMO.
I included a little screen shot but to see it in motion is pretty cool.

Living Room / Re: FCC Moves to Regulate Internet
« on: June 20, 2010, 10:29 PM »
My remark was mildly tongue in cheek.
I am well aware of the governments inability to do anything short of spending massive amounts of other peoples money.
But consider for a moment the concept of taxes, there was talk of states legalizing marijuana for the purpose of "balancing" their budgets. Raising the tax on cigarettes and soft drinks for the same purpose.
They would also like to collect more revenue from regulating the internet, not to mention the danger of government censors and moderators running wild.
Legalizing pot, the danger of cigarettes or soft drinks and commerce on the internet really isn't the point.
My position is this, governments are very poor stewards when it comes to being frugal and efficient with our tax dollars, so why give them another revenue stream to squander?
Also if they can't manage their own affairs then why allow them to manage ours?
The internet works well as it is now, could it be improved?
Is involving government the best way to do it?
Hell no.

Living Room / Re: FCC Moves to Regulate Internet
« on: June 20, 2010, 05:28 PM »
There's just no denying the fact that the bigger the internet gets the more various governments will want to regulate (read:tax) it.
It's a consequence of success.

Living Room / FCC Moves to Regulate Internet
« on: June 20, 2010, 11:12 AM »
Hold on to your wallets.
FCC Moves to Regulate Internet--Even Though the Law Calls for Internet to be 'Unfettered by Federal or State Regulation'
( – The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted on Thursday to begin the formal process of bringing the Internet under greater federal control – a move sought by both President Barack Obama and FCC Chairnman Julius Genachowski--even though federal law calls for an Internet "unfettered by Federal or State regulation."
This step comes after the federal D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in April rebuked the FCC in its attempt to enforce a controversial regulatory doctrine called Net Neutrality, which  would allow the government to prevent private Internet providers from deciding which applications to allow on their networks.
The court said that the FCC did not have the authority to prevent Comcast, specifically,  from blocking certain peer-to-peer Web sites.
The FCC is now trying to reclassify the Internet to broaden its authority over the Web. Currently, the FCC only has “ancillary” authority, meaning it can regulate Internet access only in the process of regulating another service that it has direct authority over, such as television or cable.
The 3-2 party-line vote on Thursday at the FCC began the formal process of reclassifying the Internet as a telecommunications service instead of an information service – its current classification. This is necessary because, as an information service, the government has little power to regulate Internet networks.
As a telecommunications service, such as a telephone network, the Internet would fall under a much broader regulatory scope – giving the government the power to enforce universal service requirements, making them pay into a federal universal service fund used to provide communications services to poor areas.
The FCC will now begin the mandatory public comment period, where it will solicit input from private companies and citizens about whether it should reclassify the Internet and, if so, how it should do it.
The Commission has three options for going forward. First, it can decide not to reclassify the Internet at all, continuing to treat it as an information service. Second, the FCC can completely reclassify the Internet as a telecommunications service, granting the Commission broad powers over it. Third, it could seek a middle ground, reclassifying the Internet as a telecom service but exempting Internet providers from most of the regulations associated with other telecommunications services.
This last approach, presented at the hearing as the “third way,” is the preferred avenue of Genachowski, who unveiled the plan in May.
The “third way” approach would still allow the government the authority to heavily regulate the Internet because it would be classified as a telecom service. However, under this approach, the FCC claims it will exercise “forbearance,” a regulatory doctrine whereby the government promises not use its regulatory authority in most cases.

General Software Discussion / Re: church song software
« on: May 25, 2010, 10:59 PM »
Good luck, the reception here to worship tools would be the same as if you were a FOX News executive asking for advice for a day planner.

Assembly / Re: What version of assembly? Any
« on: February 11, 2009, 09:29 PM »
Here's one that's under development.
If you're interested in supporting something new and maybe a little different.

Living Room / Re: How will the Earth end?
« on: December 17, 2008, 08:20 AM »
Wow, what an enlightened discussion, these aren't really new ideas ya know.
What's being discussed here is just plain old fashion eugenics, the philosophy advocated by Francis Galton, H. G. Wells, Margaret Sanger and others and put in to practice during WWII.
You're discussing who is fit to populate this planet based on environmental criteria but in reality it's the same old song.
I wonder how short the walk will be from controlling reproduction to actively euthanizing those who drain the resources of the planet this time?

Living Room / Re: How will the Earth end?
« on: December 16, 2008, 11:46 PM »
The only way nature could balance out on this planet is to arbitrarily wipe out 90%of human beings  but even then there would be enough remaining idiots who didn't get the message and just proceed as if they were kids let loose in a candy store.
But of course you're not one of the "90%" are you, being smarter than the rest of us idiots?
Because you're too enlightened to be wiped out with the other virii.

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