This is probably a dumb reply but.. maybe it will be of some use to you.
I setup the Gadwin Free Printscreen ( the last one is the free one) to do this for a different reason.
I can't always use just one browser so I had to have a solution for IE and Firefox Chrome or whatever I was on.
I was trying to create a log file to show where I got certain downloads from without having to open notepad etc. Used another program called Clavier+ (which is harder to find - VERY tiny and extremely useful hotkey utility to create the oneclick of my choice to run it.
It has options to save only portions of a screen but the whole screenshot as a png is so tiny I just save the whole page. In the naming options there is a place to put a time stamp formatted (%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S)
which I stole and used for the name of the file. I am now trying to find a way to change that stamp to use the variable holding the current website instead of date and time.
The end result was almost exactly what I wanted but it may not be even close to what you need. Just thought I would offer what little I have
So many people have helped me here on this site that maybe I can give some back