I think he probably meant 'seamlessly' rather than 'natively.'
What I have trouble with is this part below...
Then Robolinux does something really amazing: It installs everything you need including your favorite software and thousands of current updates in less than 10 to 20 minutes. ...
Heh. So without quibbling on one word, how can it run everything/anything from Windows "seamlessly"? I thought WINE and all that stuff was still a murky mess, hence the lack of Linux on the Desktop.
And what exactly is my "Favorite" software? Does that include Pale Moon browser? Kingsoft Spreadsheet? Anything that I use whatsoever?
But the Big Gun is, how do you install and run MS Office "seamlessly"? The "only" things keeping me on Windows are:
1. Lack of a true clone of the "Windows Install Process" - just being able to "seamlessly" download/install and run any Windows program like I do now. (Not counting the ones "Not available for XP" etc.)
2. Lack of a true clone of the Windows Explorer environment including the Right Click menus. Sure, I bet 3/4 of the features are possible, but the times I was exploring the Ubuntu family and Suse, stuff was just missing or badly moved somewhere.
3. "TBD later."
It was pretty easy for me to go Non-MS for both browsers and the office programs. But it was the big dog of them all, the Win environment, that I gave up trying to get off from. So I'd love a heavy-hit test of this thing, separate from us all just commenting on the marketing copy. Most of all, I want to know how that whole "your Windows program works here" vs one known to cause problems with WINE.