Why the death of the PC is a myth
-Arizona Hot
I'm not usually a fan of Fox News, but this time they finally put "official words" to my view that absolutely the PC is not dead, it's a "PC Plus" world.
I do a decently large variety of things on my PC. And while I do like about 12 phone apps, there's no chance if someone carted my comp away as "dead, so what do you care", could I function!
I view Phones-Tablets sorta like "Brothers" that trade phone calls vs screen space, but I am suspicious of tablets because why isn't a "PC" that form size?
Anyway, just sounding a vote of support for the Desktop PC (or Mac/Linux, not going OS war here). Phones don't run ANYTHING ... certainly not the some 50 programs I have loaded and use, and the other 200 I have looked at and let sit there!