The social skills of a thermonuclear device
-Arizona Hot
Some of this series of blog threads makes me sad.
I'm learning I'm quirky with a quirky setup, but I do try to figure partial stuff out when I ask stuff.
So brusque answers are tough enough on me, as is RTFM types of things. I usually at least poke at the incomprehensible thingie, otherwise I might have found my own workaround.
The fundamental clash of ReadDocs vs AskPerson is the Docs are linear and the user has no idea what his problem is, and likely won't know 13 pages later. Person (if user guessed well) might very well know, and is weighing "whose time is more important and why". No easy answers and "every group of people is part of cultures".
But then this one caught my eye:
"I'm a good speller. When I want to show impatience, I purposely type fast and intentionally leave the spelling errors in."
That level of mind game is something I'm not equipped to handle in any fashion, which usually starts with me having no idea I'm making someone blow their top. Then they do, then they won't talk to me, then I can't fix it.