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50 pounds of pot mailed to wrong address
What would YOU do if you got 50 pounds of pot in the mail? Make brownies?
-Arizona Hot
Good question... I don't partake, but I have friends that do... then again... I'd be paranoid having had that much arrive.
That's pretty scary, because whoever it belongs to will certainly want it back. Give it away and hope they don't find out that it arrived at your home? You pretty much can't give it to the police as they'd stick a flashlight & swab so far up your butt that the cotton would clean your ear wax while the flashlight would help your dentist...-Renegade
why would you even accept a delivery for someone that doesnt live at your address?
Maybe, unless it was really for you -- but then you notice that the package was tampered with and give it to the cops before they pay you a visit and charge you...-tomos
Not all deliveries require a signature.
Not all people that sign for packages bother reading the address label - There's a guy standing there with a stack of boxes and a hurried look on his face...
So somebody opens the first box...and oh damn lookie here...
Someone else in a supervisory capacity decides to be a total spaz and buzz the fuzz.
Everybody else forever forward considers said supervisory party as a $*@&$!#%$ freaking idiot until the end of time..
This scenario is - of course - to be construed as Strictly Hypothetical mind you..