Because with everything that's been happening lately, there is no longer any doubt that it is they who are the criminals. This government has firmly and forever overstepped the bounds of the Constitution it claims to derive it's existence from.
I really hope not "forever".
I really try not to be political, and this isn't a rant against the Left or Right or anyone else, it is just the facts as they are manifest. I mean, I'm with Wraith, it shouldn't have to be like this. The simple choice of email provider shouldn't be a political action. But now it is, and we are the worse off for it.
Unfortunately, as you've pointed out, more and more (basically everything) is becoming politicized.
<idiotmode>Don't like being spied on? Ooops. That's a political topic, so it's taboo. Just shut up and take it.
Don't like being kidnapped and caged for flowers, eggs, rain, or tomatoes? More taboo political topics. Just shut up and take it.
'Cause ya gotta give some to get some.</idiotmode>
(I could list a huge number of everyday activities that have become political issues.)
Technically, email is permanently and fundamentally broken. There's no hope for it. The only thing you can do is to use some other form of communication with strong encryption and hope that the recorded version isn't cracked before you check out of Prison Planet Earth.
Any time a topic becomes political, there's a serious problem, and most likely it isn't the thing itself - the problem is the people that have forced it into a political spotlight.
Just how idiotic is it for email, milk, eggs, tomatoes, or normal everyday life to become political?
Wanting to plant tomatoes in your home garden isn't political, but it has become that.
Wanting to drink a different kind of milk isn't political, but it has become that.
Wanting to communicate with people in private isn't political, but it has become that.
Wanting to use rain barrels isn't political, but it has become that.
All of those things are just normal parts of life. Who is anyone to tell others how to live their lives? Who is anyone to force you to do anything?
Slowly, slowly, slowly... the quiet creeping of the totalitarian tip-toe... bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit they byte you!