Ever wonder what'll happen if you throw a car on reverse at 50 mph???
-Stoic Joker
and yes, LOL
Well... This is one of the few (if not only) areas where front wheel drive cars are way more fun that rear wheel drive cars. You see rear wheel drive cars are considerable more "directionally stable" which I accidentally verified when my dog decided to stumble across the shifter (shoving the car in reverse) in a Camaro we had at (once again) about 50 mph. Outside of a rather huge and quite confusing cloud of tire smoke...nothing exciting really happened.
(back story) The wife (girlfriend at the time) and I were sitting at a bar... (isn't always how these stories start..) ...Watching a Pontiac commercial on the bar TV. The commercial depicted a bunch of guys in lab coats and clipboards standing around a car with smoke pouring off the tires, as a sub frame showed a gear selector being switched back and forth between drive and reverse. The point of the commercial was to demonstrate just how incredible "bullet proof" the new line of Pontiac cars transmissions really were.
As fate would have it, the commercial had drawn our attention away from the conversation we were just having about just how pathetically gutless the (at the time) brand new "Sport Model" front wheel drive Pontiac Grand Am rental car we'd been stuck with was.
One really must understand at this point that the various comments I've made in the past about having shit for impulse control are not an exaggeration...
We looked at each other and instantly and wordlessly agreed that truth in advertising be due-ly and diligently vetted post haste ... And so departed on said holy quest to the nearest large paved area...which just so happened to be a church parking lot.
While the transmission did hold together, the engine slammed against the firewall as the car rather violently spun around to change vehicle attitude to match the drivelines new directional intent. We spent the better part of an hour verifying our findings, before the sound of sirens in the distance caused prudence to end the proceedings.
...This is quite likely one of the fondest memories I have.