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Last post Author Topic: The 30-Day Healthy Eating and Exercise Challenge!  (Read 56210 times)


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The 30-Day Healthy Eating and Exercise Challenge!

I hope we can do more projects and challenges that improve our lives -- this is the first one that came to mind.

The challenge: Eat healthy (no junk food) and Exercise (every other day minimum) for 30 days.
When: Saturday May 25th to June 25th.

How to participate:
  • Reply to this thread and declare your solemn oath to participate until the deadline.
  • Check in once per week on the weekends and report your progress/confess any failures.
  • At the end of the 30 days, report in on your results and whether you succeeded.

What do you win:
Maybe we can send one random person who completed the challenge something.


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I'm in  :Thmbsup:


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I'm in.
No problem with the healthy eating, my wife takes care of that, the problem is the exercise.  ;)

One question: What should be the minimum exercise, and how to measure it?  Time spent  at your target exercise heart rate, or number/amount of individual exercises (10 minutes bicycling, 50 push-ups, etc)?


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I think it should be up to each person to set their targets -- but everyone should come up with something concrete they so don't cheat.
Write down your 30 day exercise plan and keep a checklist to keep you on track.


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For me, that means anything beyond collapsing on the couch after work.  :P
I'll check in again Saturday... See ya then!


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Great idea! I'm in!


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I'm in!  And what we can do if we want to is sign up for a site that tracks this stuff...and give motivation and encouragement to each other.

My suggestion would be Fitocracy or SlimKicker, though there are several others...


I haven't been keeping up lately... but if people want to use one or the other, I'll start tracking on that one (though I prefer Fitocracy, even if it doesn't track your eating habits)


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Great timing! I am exactly one week into trying to do this myself, and a support group would be helpful.

I've been using to track my calorie intake/use. It's not a pretty website, but the tools work great (and it actually has a Windows Phone app)


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your Point Motivator might be helpful too mouser:

PS I'll give it a go too (do I really have to make a solemn oath though :tellme: :P) - would be interesting to compare rough lists of what we plan -
to me eathing healthy involves:
  • eating veg with every meal
  • also I eat too much bread (it's so good here though)
  • and FWIW cooked food seem to agree with me better


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I'm in :)


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your Point Motivator might be helpful too mouser:

Ooh, yes, that would be an awesome tool for the more casual among us  :-[ 
Here's hoping it works in Wine...

Joe Hone

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I'm in. Started a gentle running program yesterday, found this challenge today, so now I'm motivated to stay with it! Now if I can just stay away from the junk food. . .

Carol Haynes

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 :Thmbsup: Count me in

Does playing the cello count as exercise (or raising a glass?)


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Does playing the cello count as exercise (or raising a glass?)
-Carol Haynes (May 23, 2013, 08:34 PM)

Cello might count - there's more exercise there than most folk know - but raising a glass only counts if there's a five (5) pound weight attached, and if you alternate hands  :P :P.

In (but that might be cheating - do it most every day  :huh: mostly wheel & Total Gym).  However, diet could be improved - and I'd have to give up ice cream  :(.


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... raising a glass only counts if there's a five (5) pound weight attached, and if you alternate hands  :P :P

let's see, two full ones of those German litre beer glasses would make roughly five pounds weight - one in each hand.
Sip alternately :p

Carol Haynes

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... raising a glass only counts if there's a five (5) pound weight attached, and if you alternate hands  :P :P

let's see, two full ones of those German litre beer glasses would make roughly five pounds weight - one in each hand.
Sip alternately :p

Now that's a fitness regime ;-)


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I was going to go down the FitBit route, but I've got to say the stein sipping method sounds more fun.

Stoic Joker

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At 48 I still have a 32" waist ... Which is entirely a genetic accident as I've never been "athletic"..

However, much as I'd like to join in I just screwed up my ankle trying to (wife's idea) run a 5K (like an idiot) a few weeks back. It took me 44 minutes, but for as a guy that smoked for 30 years ... I'd say getting to the end of the thing without dropping dead means I won.

So... I'll just have to go with tomos' stein curls this time.

Carol Haynes

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Starts tomorrow - so tonight ...

  • Large chicken curry
  • Lentils and dahl curry
  • Rice
  • Bread
  • Toffee Popcorn
  • Lager

Tomorrow FA !

Joe Hone

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I need clarification of the rules - does dark chocolate fall under junk food? Or is it heart healthy (per current research)? Just trying to mentally prepare for the 30 day cycle. . .


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At 48 I still have a 32" waist ... Which is entirely a genetic accident as I've never been "athletic"..
-Stoic Joker (May 24, 2013, 03:48 PM)


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I think "no" junk food is a silly stipulation, why not take a more general healthy eating... count calorie input/output and balance it that way. That's my plan with MyFitnessPal/FitBit anyway.

Example, I just rode my bike to/from Pizza hut, 760 calories for a 720 calorie personal pan pizza.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 08:36 PM by allen »


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I think there shouldn't be any stipulations, other than to eat healthy for your goals, and exercise for your goals, so that we can be more inclusive than exclusive :)  Some people can't eat certain foods in order to remain healthy, while others can.  Same with exercise. :)


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Wellllll.... Nutritionally speaking, calories from fat, sugar, and protein are all processed differently by the body, so simply hitting an exercise/calorie balance doesn't cut along the same lines, depending on what you're eating.  Sugar + fat is a deadly combination in general, but a mostly-protein diet is only recommended for those wanting to build muscle.  As always, just take some common sense in what you eat and how much.  I mean, how many of us genuinely don't know that a bag of chips and a handful of cookies while watching a Star Trek marathon is NOT good for your body?
Really?  :-\


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I mean, how many of us genuinely don't know that a bag of chips and a handful of cookies while watching a Star Trek marathon is NOT good for your body?

Dunno 'bout that, but what abut a[ny] brew?