Mouser is hibernating and procrastinating
Hey everybody, mouser's human after all!!

Since I'm here... I've foolishly volunteered to put together a presentation that will cover the whole process that resulted in me writing an autohotkey program to plug a few gaps in a bit of commercial software our maternity department uses. ("Foolishly" because my default attitude is to spend as much time as I can working behind the scenes rather than standing up and making a public spectacle of myself. What can I say? I'm British and introverted.)
Er, anyway, so this presentation's going to happen in a lecture theatre (aaargh) and I'm playing with the concept of making a screencast to do most of the work, so I can just do the Q&As and handovers to the other people who had a hand in it.
I have EasyScreenCastRecorder and ScreenshotCaptor and a microphone and, because I enjoy procrastination too and I have until early May, I'm wondering how (or if!) to make ESCR and SC work together and, if I do, if I can mix stills into my screencast (so I can put up screens that I might want to blur bits of) or if I should bite the bullet and learn something completely new.
Any suggestions or advice welcome. I'm currently considering emigrating in order to avoid the whole problem...