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Last post Author Topic: LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - v4.42.0 beta - July 21, 2022  (Read 1233266 times)


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Download latest stable version from Official Web Page: HERE.

Download beta version (4.43.0 BETA) from here (or portable).

Screencast video here:


v4.42.0 - July 21, 2022
  • [BugFix] Printing to some printers could result in printer throwing windows error failing to print; due to no title for print job set
  • [BugFix] Installer was failing to automatically close a running copy of the program when installing an update or uninstalling.

v4.41.0 - May 31, 2021
  • [BugFix] Resize dialog had controls off screen on windows setups with non 100% text size.
  • [BugFix] Added code to move window on screen if it was last used on a setup where a monitor has been disconnected.
  • [BugFix] Metadata in image files could contain extraneous image after viewing image taken with camera or containing other unusual meta data.
  • [Improvement] New option to skip sending home keys on start of scrolling window capture (see Misc. Options tab).
  • [Improvement] New option to open newly captured images in default image viewer (see Post-capture options tab).
  • [Improvement] File multi-line metadata comments now separated by \r\n instead of just \n.
  • [Improvement] Copying bitmap of screenshot to clipboard does not put unnecessary data on clipboard.
  • [Improvement] New option to disable color-change of tray icon during captures.

v4.36.1 - Jan 2, 2020
  • [Improvement] You can now set custom toolbar icon size (More Interface Options tab).
  • [Feature] New menu function, SpecialFx -> Delete selection (make transparent)

v4.35.1 beta - Dec 30, 2019
  • [BugFix] Mobile phone or other photos with rotation information are now auto-rotated to correct orientation.
  • [Improvement] Updated compatible version of Mouser's Media Browser for image file management/browsing.
  • [MinorImprovement] Create new folder here function will now ensure the new folder is uniquely named.
  • [MinorImprovement] Minor tweaks to option descriptions.
  • [Improvement] Added preconfigured tools for The Gimp, and Corel Paint Shop Pro (will be auto populated in Tool menu if found installed)
  • [BugFix] The tool system (sctool) configuration files were not finding programs in the x64 C:\Program Files\ directory if the tool was configured as in %ProgramFiles%
  • [BugFix] Red box object capture could capture a larger area of the screen when capturing whole windows on Windows 10.
  • [BugFix] Code to fetch printer name could throw exception

v4.31.1 - Dec 2, 2018
  • [Improvement] Print menus now show target printer name
  • [BugFix] Hotkeys with Alt in them could confuse the new preset-size capture mode functions.

v4.29.0 - Apr 2, 2018
  • [Improvement] Region select mode is now much more responsive
  • [Improvement] Region select mode now shows region size much more clearly
  • [Improvement] Region select mode crosshairs are now easier to see on a variety of backgrounds.
  • [Improvement] When copying image (or region) to clipboard that has alpha transparency, the alpha transparency is preserved.
  • [New Feature] New menu item in Objects menu to save current image or region into the MyClipart folder for reuse as a clipart object.
  • [New Feature] New right-click context menu in clipart panel to browse current clipart directory with file explorer (useful for managing/renaming MyClipart files).
  • [Improvement] Fixed-size region captures now use same capture mode as region-select mode, just starting out in selection-move mode; so now all of the region select mode features and hotkeys are available (use '1'-'9' to choose from preset sizes, use 'r' key to toggle region mode, etc.)
  • [New Feature] Hold alt key while dragging second corner of region in region capture mode to preserve aspect ratio.
  • [BugFix] It's possible that jpg "Date Created", normally left blank by SC, could be set to values photo loaded by SC.
  • [Improvement] The common default screenshot directory folder is now added near top of GoTo/MoveTo directory lists at startup.

v4.27.4 - Feb 25, 2018
  • [Help] Added new help topic on region select mode.
  • [Improvement] Much faster and smoother region capture mode keyboard nudge operation.
  • [Improvement] Added 'T' shortcut in region capture mode to toggle controlling corner (useful for nudging and adjusting region).
  • [Improvement] Tweaked the detection of a simple left-click in region capture mode to avoid spurious case where a single click was interpreted as a drag and release capture in region capture mode.
  • [Improvement] Added 'R' shortcut in region capture mode to switch to fixed sized region move mode.
  • [Improvement] Added ability to quickly select preset region sizes in region capture mode using your favorite and last sizes, using keys 0-9.
  • [New Feature] Auto selection adjustment (under Edit Menu) -- will resize (both and expand and shrink) the current selection region to tightly fit the foreground contents on a solid background.  Great for isolating GUI controls, windows, etc.;  New toolbar menu item for this command, and shortcut key 'a' in editor.
  • [New Feature] In main editor, use keys 0-9 to select from MyFavorite region sizes (0 to unselect).
  • [BugFix] Pixelation effects grid borders were sometimes off by one pixel.
  • [BugFix] Sorting by name in thumbnail panel was not working.
  • [Improvement] Speed of sorting thumbnail panel has been improved.
  • [BugFix] Eliminated unnecessary long delay after closing options panel and performing other operations that effected the thumbnail panel (sorting, etc.).
  • [BugFix] Active screenshot (position) in screenshot thumbnail panel was being lost after closing options or performing some other menu operations.
  • [BugFix] Ragged/splice effects dialog was not remembering choice of affected edges.
  • [Improvement] New option for post-capture pop-up dialog, you can choose whether the main app should stay minimized when you hit enter from the post-capture pop-up dialog if it was already minimized when you triggered the capture, or should always show the main window afterwards (previously the default).
  • [Improvement] When copying a selected region to clipboard or saving a selected region as a separate file (see toolbar button and save menu for this handy operation), it will now properly save alpha transparency if the selection is non rectangular (for example made using lasso selection or auto adjust region action).
  • [Bugfix] Copying selected region with objects in it was not copying the objects.

v4.21.1 - May 3, 2017
  • [BugFix] Fixed GDI leak that could cause SC to hang after thousands of captures.

v4.20.1 - Mar 24, 2017
  • [MajorFeature] First High-dpi compatible version beta.
  • [Feature] Added option to control whether an override filename specified in the post-capture pop-up dialog will always be used as the full filename (new default; see post-cap options tab) or whether it will be used as the %quickfield% field if present in the filename template (old behavior).
  • [BugFix] Custom filename and comment is no longer cleared after each action on the post-capture pop-up dialog.
  • [Feature] You can now use %APPDRIVE% and other replacement fields when specifying screenshot folder in options.
  • [Feature] Workaround for trying to UNDO when using arrow tool.
  • [Feature] Added option in uploader to preserve log across runs, and to copy log to clipboard.
  • [BugFix] Right-click to pan/drag was not working right in object mode.
  • [BugFix] Zoom level label was sometimes not updating if no images were found at startup.

v4.16.1 - Dec 12, 2015
  • [Feature] Added preliminary support for saving individual images from a scrolling window capture (instead of stitching them together); see [...] button at top right of scrolling capture dialog to perform.  Currently filename is automatically assigned.
  • [BugFix] Removed duplicate Ctrl+T shortcut in view menu (thanks dluby).
  • [BugFix] Filenames with dots (.) would sometimes not be shown in thumbnails, sometimes .sctool object files were listed in thumbnails. (thanks lanux!)

v4.15.0 - Nov 3, 2015
  • [BugFix] The repeat region capture was not capturing the proper location for some multimonitor cases.
  • [BugFix] The zoom panel in selected-region captures was sometimes failing to respond to cursor movements and could flicker.
  • [BugFix] The Resize and Fine Rotate dialogs were not properly showing previews of image.
  • [Feature] Fit Width and Fit Height actions added to View menu.
  • [Feature] If the current screenshot is renamed outside of SC, SC will try to switch to the renamed file.
  • [Improvement] When pixelating, any partial transparency is removed in order to reduce the risk of the original pixels being recovered.
  • [Improvement] JPG quality/compression setting is now of a finer scale and scaled up to a more reasonable (higher quality) range.
  • [Change] Using SaveAs will now use same quality/compression settings as default.

v4.13.0 BETA - Sep 12, 2015
  • [BugFix] On Windows 10 (and 8?), active window captures were taking too long and could be blank if Aero capture options were disabled.
  • [BugFix] On Windows 10 (and 8?), active window captures sometimes looked as if they had an Aero theme added to them.
  • [BugFix] Program settings were sometimes not being saved when computer rebooted/shutdown.
  • [BugFix] Zip files were being shown in thumbnail panel.
  • [BugFix] Fixed error in sample commandline for custom emailer tool.
  • [BugFIx] Corrected link to ShareX website and improved instruction text for custom uploader configuration,
  • [BugFix] Corrected a few miscellaneous typos.
  • [Improvement] On Windows8/10, Aero capture mode was enabled by default, needlessly delaying active window captures; Aero options are now disabled by default for Windows 8/10.
  • [Improvement] When changing screenshot directories, the program no longer creates a temporary file to test for directory writeability.
  • [Improvement] Miscellaneous thumbnail panel improvements for compatibility with operating system.
  • [Improvement] Error message when selecting a PDF file in thumbnail list was not accurate.
  • [Improvement] Use of the -show commandline option was not bringing program to front if it was already visible.
  • [Improvement] New "Open Image" item on main file menu.

v4.12.0 - May 28, 2015
  • [BugFix] Ctrl+C to copy selected region to clipboard (especially with Ctrl+A) was not copying the last row and column.
  • [Improvement] New option to not display PDF files in thumbnail panel.
  • [Improvement] Clicking on a PDF file will now show message about double-clicking on thumbnail to open in default external viewer.
  • [Improvement] Last captured region is now preserved across runs.

v4.10.0 - April 28, 2015
  • [Improvement] Selecting multiple files with Ctrl+Click from thumbnail panel and dropping on current image now works better because it will ignore the case where the current image is selected.
  • [Improvement] Selecting multiple images with Ctrl or Shift no longer triggers loading of selected images.
  • [BugFix] No longer will query pale moon browser for current url even if option enabled in capture tab, since the browser does not respond with info.

v4.9.6 - April 22, 2015
  • [Improvement] Renaming files in thumbnail panel now preserves file extension.
  • [Feature Preview] Standalone screenshot window mode (see View menu), allows full screen editing, full-window file browser, and/or small floating preview window.

v4.9.5 - March 23, 2015
  • [Feature] New option to quickly disable automatic adding of comment/note to captures.
  • [Feature] Renaming file with .pdf extension in quick filename field will now save a pdf file.
  • [Feature] Trying to view a PDF file now shows a more informative message in statusbar and opens pdf file with external application.
  • [Feature] During region capture, the cursor key behavior largely matches that of SC selection process (plain cursor keys MOVE selection rectangle; shift to move bottom right, alt to move top left).
  • [Change] Changed default option so that changing file extension in quick filename field will not remove original file but create a new one.
  • [Change] Saving Line/Arrow tool presets now saves arrow start and end shapes (be careful when applying in bulk to existing lines that it doesn't change their orientations).
  • [Change] When capturing an active window, SC no longer steals focus afterwards.
  • [Change/BugFix] Bitmap objects are no longer anti-aliased/blurred.
  • [BugFix] Message about capturing all black/white image could sometimes show behind main window.
  • [BugFix] When a blank comment field was set in options, it could cause spurious prompts about saving a non-dirty file on new captures.

v4.9.3 - December 31, 2014
  • [Feature] New print option (default) to match automatically page orientation to screenshot aspect ratio.
  • [MinorFeature] Added keyboard accelerator for Edit -> Select -> Remember item.
  • [BugFix] Uploader dialog was opening on wrong initial tab.
  • [BugFix] Patch region special effect was missing last row+column.
  • [Change] If you try to minimize SC and have unsaved changes, choosing cancel/dontsave will now still minimize the program.
  • [Feature] When you have multiple arrows selected and change arrow properties, all properties are updated except text labels.
  • [Feature] You can now save and load object preset files (saves and loads all properties of objects like arrows, text memos, etc); you can select some objects and apply an object preset file to change the properties of the selected objects.  It will save the settings of the current tool, or all tools if not in a specific object mode. See Objects menu. To show the Saved presets on the main toolbar (instead of as a submenu of Objects menu) see the "More Interface Options" tab.

v4.9.1 - October 10, 2014
  • [Feature] You can now control what happens when you hit Ctrl+C (see More Interface Options tab); previously it always did a context-sensitive copy-to-clipboard, copying currently selected region or object if there was one; you can now configure this to always copy whole image to clipboard.
  • [Feature] Copy-to-clipboard menus now show a more informative context-sensitive caption and include an additional item for copying whole image, in addition to copying selected region or object.
  • [Feature] Better copy-to-clipboard behavior.
  • [BugFix] Selected region copy was causing some issues for some users, a Range Check Error [thanks TimB!]
  • [BugFix] When option to auto add caption to printouts is enabled, it was removing any user-created caption at time of printing.

v4.9.0 - October 8, 2014
  • [MajorFeature] New action available when dropping an image file onto the current image: Combine images. Let's you easily line up images side by side with automatic scaling.
  • [Feature] Made it easier to abort scrolling and other capture operations (tray menu changes to display a cancel operation item).
  • [Feature] Added commandline option to change save file format.
  • [Feature] Added tools menu to SC system tray menu.
  • [Feature] When SC encounters an image file of a different format than the extension indicates, it is still loaded but a warning is shown.
  • [Feature] When SC encounters an error loading an image file, it reports the error and clears the current image selection.
  • [Feature] Select-region capture can now be performed in additional ways; you can use enter key or spacebar to start and end capture regions (escape cancels; cursor keys nudge; C toggles cursor; Z toggles zoom); quick single mouse click can also now mark start and end positions instead of holding and dragging.
  • [Feature] By default SC now checks if a capture is all white or all black, and reports the probable cause (interference from a Security App); see Tweaks option tab to turn this off.
  • [MinorFeature] You can now set a Screenshot directory that SC will always start with even if you changed directories on last run.
  • [MinorFeature] You can now use cursor (arrow) keys to adjust cursor location during shift+PrtScr selected region capture.
  • [MinorFeature] Added Up/Down keys to scrolling capture methods.
  • [MinorFeature] Better instructions for manual scrolling captures.
  • [MinorFeature] Better handling of canceled dropped file.
  • [MinorFeature] The warning about resizing images with objects can now be disabled.
  • [MinorFeature] Changed upload menu icon.
  • [MinorFeature] 'C' key in region-select mode can now be used to toggle off the display/capture of cursor.
  • [BugFix] DPI was sometimes not set properly if SC was set to not save image automatically.
  • [BugFix] It was possible to restore main SC window and then minimize it during scrolling capture, rendering all SC windows invisible.
  • [BugFix] Red box was flickering in object selection mode.
  • [BugFix] If using post-capture dialog after captures, and "stay hidden" option is chosen, main window was sometimes restoring if it was showing before capture was initiated.
  • [BugFix] Nudging selection with arrow keys in region-select mode had an annoying delay/stutter.
  • [Change] The MyJunk folder is no longer created automatically.

v4.8.5 - May 14, 2014
  • [MajorImprovement] Completely revamped the "manual" method of performing a scrolling capture, to make it easier to do your own scrolling on stubborn windows.
  • [MinorImprovement] Added some commandline options for use with an already running copy of Screenshot Captor.
  • [MinorFeature] You can now toggle the object-capture behavior to not present the "What Now?" dialog where you can choose scrolling capture, etc., and instead do an immediate object/region capture.
  • [Improvement] Minor improvements to Scrolling Capture workflow/instructions/warnings.

v4.8.2 - April 16, 2014
  • [MinorChange] Removed the discontinued image hosting service from uploader services; defaulted to imageshack (supporting both anonymous and non-anonymous accounts).
  • [MinorChange] Clarified warning about image files being visible to public if uploaded to anonymous hosting account.
  • [MinorChange] If a second instance is launched, SC no longer displays a warning message, it simply un-minimizes the first instance.
  • [BugFix] Pixelating a tiny region with large grid size could result in floating point error.
  • [BugFix] Red box capture mode was capturing regions that were missing 1 pixel width around each edge.
  • [BugFix] Resizing image from resize form could shrink the close-up zoom panel.
  • [BugFix] Trying to undo from resizing image would not undo object size changes (hit undo twice to do this now).
  • [BugFix] Automoving old screenshots at startup had not been working in recent versions.
  • [MinorFeature] Added option to start the auto-capture timer at startup.
  • [MinorFeature] New option to immediately jump cursor to arrow text edit box when selecting/adding line arrows for quick labeling and label changes (see drawing object options tab).
  • [MinorFeature] Added option to disable docking behavior of Quick Capture Bar.
  • [MinorFeature] Added detailed warning and confirmation dialog with tips before attempting to resize an image containing objects.

v4.8 - December 3, 2013
  • [MinorFeature] Including .sctool file for XnView screenshot folder thumbnail browsing; will show up in your Tools menu if XnView is found installed.
  • [MinorFeature] Including .sctool file for IrfanView screenshot folder thumbnail browsing; will show up in your Tools menu if XnView is found installed.
  • [Improvement] Drag and drop of file into the SC window is now smart enough to realize when the file is from the current Screenshot directory and present more appropriate options in this case.
  • [MinorFeature] New tray item to print last screenshot.
  • [BugFix] Somehow the 'z' character could not be used in the post-capture dialog for caption or filename.
  • [MinorFeature] New Redbox capture object mode now will grab cursor if options say to do so (but not when scrolling).
  • [MinorFeature] New option (save/load tab) to not show movie files in thumbnail panel.

v4.7.2 - September 13, 2013
  • [Feature] Added new shape option for arrows (circle endpoints).
  • [Feature] New quick-search-bar for easy filtering of screenshots listed in thumbnail panel (see view menu).
  • [Feature] Added File menu item to close current file and have nothing loaded.
  • [Feature] You can now sort standard thumbnail sidebar with newest at top if you like.
  • [Feature] New option (enabled by default) to auto-select next file after deletions.
  • [Feature] New option (Print tab) to invert colors of printouts (maybe useful if printing mostly black images on laser printer).
  • [Feature] New help panel when in object editing mode (you can disable this new behavior from the Object Drawing options tab).
  • [Feature] The Caption toolbar button will now help you EDIT an existing caption, replacing and resizing the existing caption text object.
  • [Feature] New item in Object menu to remove an existing caption.
  • [Improvement] If user accidentally loads a second instance, the error message and behavior is clearer.
  • [Improvement] SC now remembers sorting column+direction in list/detail thumbnail sidebar modes.
  • [Improvement] Improved sizing of columns in different detail view modes; new simple left hand list mode.
  • [Improvement] When set to stay minimized after capture, if SC was onscreen when capture initiated, it would jump to front and not always relinquish foreground window after completion.  Note that the SC window does return to the screen and not minimize if it was on screen when capture initiated.
  • [Improvement] Better support for dragging and dropping images from other programs (especially web browser) onto main window.
  • [Improvement] Starting your word in the new screenshot filter edit box with ~ will show files that do NOT match what it typed next.
  • [Improvement] Caption dialog form now has a multiline memo for the caption text.
  • [Change] Iff multiple images are selected, the toolbar delete button will now delete all instead of just the current image.
  • [Change/Bugfix] Line/Arrow labels with "no-border" mode set could sometimes show a border; now the no-border option shows no border and draws label text directly over existing background.
  • [BugFix] Print preview settings (margins, orientation, etc.) triggered from post-capture dialog were not being synchronized with main print preview settings.
  • [BugFix] If you brought up Print setup dialog, and from their print properties dialog, it could be hidden behind main window.
  • [BugFix] Fixed case where the last file might not be loaded (or scrolled down to) at start of program.
  • [BugFix] The fix to keep printer setup dialog on top was messing with other forms appearing behind main window.
  • [BugFix] When SC was on screen at time of initiating capture, sometimes the current foreground window was not preserved as focused window (and did not show up in capture as an active window).
  • [BugFix] If a modal message was showing, it was possible to toggle main form visible or initiate a capture, hiding the modal message.
  • [BugFix] Redbox (scrolling and object capture modes) were not obeying the stay-minimized-after-capture options.
  • [BugFix] Choosing an object (like arrow) to draw, and changing properties BEFORE drawing, was not obeying new settings.
  • [BugFix] Fixed an error that could occur when using network paths for home/screenshot/config directories.

v4.5.0 - July 8, 2013
  • [Feature] Post-capture dialog now has a field where you can specify an optional quick custom filename.
  • [MinorFeature] New option to open windows explorer file browser to location of SaveAs image after a SaveAs.
  • [MinorFeature] New option to not uniquify filenames when launching the SaveAs dialog.
  • [MinorFeature] The file template field now has some suggestions in a drop down combo box.
  • [Feature] New options to customize the post-capture dialog to use it in faster one-key dismissal mode and with one key copy-to-clipboard action.
  • [BugFix] Minor UI fixes.
  • [BugFix] Attempting to fix brief appearance of Screenshot Captor taskbar button at windows startup.
  • [MinorFeature] You can now set auto-print option from tray menu.
  • [Improvement] Copy to clipboard after capture was not copying any automatically added shadow.

v4.3.0 - April 22, 2013
  • [Improvement] Clipboard toolbar button now includes some clipboard paste actions.
  • [Improvement] Save and open dialogs are now resizable.
  • [Improvement] Holding shift when triggering delete actions now bypasses recycle bin (conforms with standard windows behavior).
  • [Improvement] You can now set the custom character used to replace illegal filename characters (default is '_')
  • [Improvement+BugFix] Previously, the post-capture pop-up dialog operated on the image PRIOR to any alpha-transparency fixups that were applied to an active window capture; this could result in black areas around images that you copied to clipboard from within the postcapture dialog.  Now such operations are performed prior to display in the post-capture dialog -- Thanks BillS!
  • [Change] If you try to trigger an active window capture from system tray menu you now get a message explaining that you can't trigger it that way.
  • [BugFix] Previous version was deleting old settings files into the recycle bin.
  • [BugFix] Random or black 1-pixel sized borders could appear at bottom and/or right border of image if anti-aliasing is enabled and an object with shadows is placed near bottom of image.
  • [BugFix/Change] Mask files should now end in the extension of the mask file format ("e.g. hands.png.maskjpg" if the mask is in jpg format; you can also use maskpng and maskgif)

v4.0 - March 26, 2013
  • [MajorFeature] Freehand painting/annotations; Like objects, can be edited after save.
  • [MajorFeature] New (dockable) QuickCapture bar.
  • [MajorFeature] Undo available for most object manipulation actions.
  • [MajorFeature] You can now specify custom comment in post-capture pop-up dialog; option to add caption for this comment and/or store it in image comments.
  • [MajorFeature] You can now capture shots from webcams (see Capture menu).
  • [MajorFeature] New super-easy-to-use built-in image host uploader (currently supports and imageshack [supports user accounts], more to come); you can still configure the use of ShareX or others if you prefer; warning given on first upload.
  • [Feature] You can now save and load your entire configuration settings to/from different files, to make it easy to switch between groups of settings [see new menubar on options dialog]
  • [Feature] You can now save all selected images to an animated GIF file.
  • [Feature] Added Quick Expand Canvas item in Edit menu for quickly expanding the canvas around the image, which can be useful for adding annotations, etc.
  • [Feature] You can now define your own custom list of preset sizes that will be available in all resizing/regionsizeselection dialogs and menus (thumbnailer, resizer, etc.).
  • [Feature] Resizing and selection options can now work by percentages; you can also include percentage based resizing presets.
  • [Feature] The last directory and file format used in the SaveAs dialog are now remembered; defaults to PNG format.
  • [Feature] When moving old files into the archive directory, ScreenshotCaptor now shows a summary balloon tray message.
  • [Feature] Active window selection and information capture is now smarter about choosing a window or sub-window within the capture region if capturing an area that does not include a foreground active window, or especially if performing an arbitrary region capture.  New option (See Window Capturing 1 options tab) to control this.
  • [Feature] Added more color options for captions (see Automatic Captions tab in options to set defaults); better captions during printing.
  • [Feature] You can now nudge objects in the same variety of ways you can use to adjust selection (use ctrl,shift,alt and arrow keys to move, grow, shrink); faster object nudging.
  • [Feature] Selecting and adjusting objects now shows their position and size in status bar -- makes it easier to do fine adjustments.
  • [Feature] Now provides tip on how to speed up saving with many objects and semi-transparency when GDI+ option is off.
  • [Feature] New option to flatten transparency during normal saving (PNG images will not exhibit transparency but will preserve it internally for editing).
  • [Feature] Added Edit menu item to copy current (or selected) image files to clipboard as shell file objects (useful for pasting in email programs, etc.).
  • [Feature] You can now drop files onto the main window and you will be prompted to make some choices (copy or move files into Screenshot directory, add image files as objects onto current image, or switch to the dropped file and path).
  • [Feature] Added option to check for updates at startup.
  • [Feature] In addition to creating animated gifs, you can now display them in SC and easily extract frames (works same as for video files).
  • [Feature] Added complete selection mode button to toolbar (lasso, freehand, magic wand, etc.)
  • [Feature] Added new options for handling large captions (enlarge size of caption box to accomodate wrapped text, auto-reduce font size).
  • [Feature] New option in interface tab to use chessboard pattern for background -- useful for working with transparent images (especially with transparent borders).
  • [Feature] Added new specialfx operation to remove text/noise inside selection region.
  • [Feature] You can now right-click on any clipart object and have it applied as a (tiled) background watermark; you can right-click clipart or frames and choose to view a preview in external viewer.
  • [Feature] Added blendmode property to bitmap objects.
  • [Feature] New option to tell SC not to save active window internal meta data to file comment meta data; useful if you are using images with an application that extracts and uses file comment meta data.
  • [Feature] New buttons added to toolbar (copy to clipboard, select/resize preset sizes, etc.)
  • [Feature] You can now configure what toolbar buttons to show.
  • [Feature] You can now "remember" (or clear) the currently selection region embedded in an image for subsequent use; see the Edit->Selection menu.
  • [Improvement] Major revamping of icons throughout the application by DC member Carroll D. (hamradio); Improvements to organization of menus.
  • [Improvement] Improved alpha transparency rendering when saving images or printing; especially useful when objects are over transparent or semitransparent areas.
  • [Improvement] Objects are now in front of paint layer.
  • [Improvement] Added new option to use GDI+ libraries for alternate implementation of alpha blending and transparency (may be significantly faster when using many objects).
  • [Improvement] Creating new blank image was not clearing transparency info; now uses transparency setting from resize dialog to decide whether to make new image pure opaque or pure transparent.
  • [Improvement] Faster saving when image does not have transparency.
  • [Improvement] Arrow text can now be edited in memo mode, which is more convenient for editing larger multi-line text.
  • [Improvement] Launching of second copy now highlights the tray icon.
  • [Improvement] Last used clipart directory is now remembered between runs.
  • [Improvement] Added more caption options, both in auto captions and in interactive caption dialog.
  • [Improvement] Text boxes can now specify custom border line widths;
  • [Improvement] Post-capture pop-up dialog now prints print-captions.
  • [Improvement] Better print captions for small images.
  • [Improvement] Post-capture pop-up dialog button improvements; remembers position better.
  • [Improvement] Re-organized option dialogs for better readability.
  • [Improvement] New options for post-capture dialog including options on where to show form, whether to show print previews, etc.
  • [Improvement] Added new post-cap option to copy file shell object to clipboard.
  • [Improvement] Repeat region capture will now repeat a caption of the region of the screen selected by a previous *object* capture.
  • [Improvement] Some operations that changed directories was not forcing save of dirty file first.
  • [Improvement] You can drag a folder onto the main window to instruct Screenshot Captor to switch to that directory.
  • [Improvement] Improved application startup time.
  • [Improvement] Added some tooltip hints to some controls.
  • [Improvement] SaveAs folder and format now remembered and used in all places where SaveAs dialog is shown.
  • [Improvement] SaveAs will now use default filename template, and default to a uniquified safe filename.
  • [Improvement] Added option to enable/disable the retrieval of URLs from browsers, and a note about possible slowdowns when doing so; disabled Firefox URL retrieval option by default since it can cause serious capture slowdowns.
  • [Improvement] The Moveto/Goto folder list is now kept in canonical state, handles blank lines, and has a new option to automatically add new folders to it, like a Most-recently-used list.
  • [Improvement] Setup program will now offer to launch Screenshot Captor after installation, even on Windows vista/7/8.
  • [Improvement] Better thumbnail panel sizing; no more horizontal scrollbar.
  • [Improvement] Faster saving of partially transparent images with objects.
  • [Improvement] When switching out of object mode, if an object was selected, it's bounding region becomes selected in normal mode; especially useful for applying effects.
  • [Improvement] If user tries to select a region in Object selection mode containing no objects, SC automatically switches to region selection mode and selects region.
  • [Improvement] Double-clicking an object in region-select mode will now switch to object mode and select the object under cursor; double-clicking in object mode toggles you back to normal region-select mode.
  • [Improvement] The Watermarking submenu of the SpecialFx menu now shows all files in the clipart directory with watermark in their path or name, plus all files in user watermark directory; this makes it easier for addon clipart to include watermarks; see also feature for quickly applying any clipart object as watermark.
  • [Improvement] Improved external tool configuration dialog.
  • [Improvement] Removed old clipart directory; packaged now with DC member App103's nice clipart; moved old clipart into a separate addon download; removed separted Masks directory and rearranged Frames directory.
  • [Improvement] Clicking on a clipart item shows it's full path in statubar.
  • [Improvement] SC now creates a MyClipart and MyFrames directories in the user-writable SC folder where configuration settings are stored, and adds this to the clipart (and watermark) and frame folder list.
  • [Improvement] SC no longer switches out of object mode when saving.
  • [Improvement] Ctrl+A in thumbnail file panel now only selects files (not folders).
  • [Improvement] SaveAs dialogs now have more advanced options that can be chosen for some image file formats.
  • [Improvement] Better tracking of object manipulation for undo actions; better reporting of undo actions and indications of where in undo stack you are (shown on statusbar); larger undo buffer (from 10 to 100).
  • [Improvement] Ctrl+A in object mode now selects all objects.
  • [Improvement] Grab Workspace item is now not shown in tray or quickcap bar if running on single monitor system.
  • [Improvement] Added color-modification options for clipart (see button at bottom of clipart object panel).
  • [Change] Improved menu item names.
  • [Change] Confirmation request when flattening objects to background.
  • [Change] SaveAs dialog now tries to do a faster preview in images with many objects.
  • [Change] Changed ordering of top toolbar buttons.
  • [Change] SC no longer tries to delete objects that are cropped out.
  • [Change] When you change screenshot directories, the "Autocreate JUNK folder" option is disabled, as is the "Auto move old files" option.
  • [Change] Options dialog now has an "Apply" button to test apply any pending options changes.
  • [Change] The internal file comment that specifies last active window region is now written at END of file comment meta data, and is only written if its non-empty.
  • [BugFix] Updated ScDx ScreenshotCaptor DirectX capture addon (separate download).
  • [BugFix] Last non-public beta release was not using unique %num% counters.
  • [BugFix] Capturing windows file explorer was not seeing window title (path).
  • [BugFix] Captions were not sometimes leaving a pixel wide gap at bottom and right of image.
  • [BugFix] Improved flattening of objects and saving of standard file formats with objects+paint.
  • [BugFix] Nudging objects was not marking image as changed; nudging objects is now much faster.
  • [BugFix] Object arrows could reverse direction when image was resized or cropped or objects nudged; changing canvas size could sometimes lose arrow objects.
  • [BugFix] Save selected region as new file was not working right.
  • [BugFix] Functions to select region around objects and expand canvas around objects were not working right.
  • [BugFix] Copy image to clipboard was not properly handling object layering.
  • [BugFix] Fixing bug where application would forget it's non-maximized size+position on screen between runs.
  • [BugFix] When antialiasing enabled, highlight boxes and text memos had a thin colored border even if border option for the object was disabled.
  • [BugFix] Sometimes when changing zoom it would not reapply antialias settings.
  • [BugFix] Sometimes font setting was being reset to default.
  • [BugFix] Finally found and fixed bug that was occasionally causing some preferences (like object defaults) to be reset to defaults between runs.
  • [BugFix] Improved border width around memos; effect of changing memo properties is now immediately visible.
  • [BugFix] MoveTo folder list was corrupting long file paths.
  • [BugFix] Hitting 'c' in region capture mode to set cursor position was sometimes leaving corruption overlayed on capture.
  • [BugFix] When loading low-depth PNG files (or perhaps other non-png files), any alpha transparency added to background would not be saved.
  • [BugFix] Some operations involving selection of files behaved erratically if thumbnail panel was configured to be hidden.
  • [BugFix] Rotating bitmaps now respects aspect ratios.
  • [BugFix] Top labels for zoom percentages were overlapping on large-text setups.
  • [BugFix] Program was never saving changes on exit, regardless of the option to do so.
  • [BugFix] Arrow objects could sometimes be created where the lines would be invisible.
  • [BugFix] Fixed floating point exception that could occur if bitmap object was resized to 0 height or width.
  • [BugFix] SC was not releasing hotkeys when you are on hotkeys configuration page, making it hard to reassign hotkeys; they are now disabled when on this tab.
  • [BugFix] When scanning, scan DPI information was not always being saved in the resulting PNG file, which could cause printable page size to be wrong if image files were manipulated or combined at a later time.
  • [BugFix] Some of the MoveALL and DeleteALL menu items were not always affecting all files if some were selected and some were not.
  • [BugFix] Print margins, alignment, gamma, were not being saved between runs.
  • [BugFix] When moving/copying/renaming files between folders entirely within the thumbnail browser panel (not using SC menus), the .object files associated with images were not accompanying image files.
  • [BugFix] SaveAs dialog was not displaying the "remove metadata?" checkbox on all Save As invocations.
  • [BugFix] Redo was not working on object manipulations.
  • [BugFix] Fixed bug where post-capture form could leave a remnant taskbar entry on closing [thanks app!]
  • [BugFix] Fixed some cases where main SC window was either hiding or grabbing focus after a capture when it shouldn't.
  • [BugFix] Fixed problems with shutting down on windows 7 and higher during reboots or upgrades.
  • [MajorFeature] Preliminary support for playing video files and extracting frames from them; and integration with Easy Screencast Recorder.
  • [MajorFeature] First draft of new (optional) onscreen quick capture bar.  The look+feel of this will change dramatically in future versions.
  • [MinorFeature] Will now autodetect and work with SharexMod in addition to ShareX (they are based on same codebase and the differences are not super clear).
  • [InterfaceChange] New hierarchical organization of options dialog.
  • [BugFix] When capturing the active window and main form was visible, SC sometimes failed to properly grab it; SC now does a better job of grabbing last active window, with less delay in reactivating it.
  • [BugFix] Scrolling capture dialog could hide behind main window.
  • [MinorImprovement] Scrolling capture dialog now has help button that links to online scrolling capture tutorial video.
  • [Improvement] Small performance improvement in dragging selection (can still be slow to update tweaking selection size when zoomed out and resize filter is enabled).
  • [BugFix] Scrolling the clipart (or frame) thumbnail panel very quickly could result in error about "List Index Out of Bounds".
  • [Feature] Added new %numinc% field with a resetable persistent counter in options (see File Naming Template tab).
  • [BugFix] Zoom and Navigation panel could be inadvertently scaled by mouse wheel.
  • [BugFix] Minor spelling errors on tooltip hints corrected.
  • [MinorChange] Ctrl+A now should work in comment memo to select all text.
  • [Change] Full filename (not short version) is now sent to ShareX uploader tool.

v3.08.01 - July 6, 2012
  • [BugFix] Automatic Print Captioning was not working if triggered from the optional post-capture dialog.
  • [Change] Improved menu captions for delay and autocapture items; changed autocapture options to allow faster than 1s captures.

v3.07.01 - June 19, 2012
  • [BugFix] Access Violation Errors could be triggered (especially on selected region capture) after the disconnection of a monitor on a multimon system (perhaps also after monitor resolution changes, hibernation wakeup, remote desktop connection/disconnection).
  • [BugFix] Scrolling capture option dialog settings were not being saved.
  • [Documentation] Added documentation on automatic installation of license key, configdir, and settings files.
  • [BugFix] Fields for memo after a scan would sometimes include filename of last application window captured.
  • [BugFix] Using timed autocapture tool to do scanner captures did not work.
  • [Default Change] Set default option to print captions on printouts.
  • [Options] Added options on "Print Options" tab to use default units/page orientation, which should remember last used values.
  • [Change] If option is set to stay minimize and hide main widow on capture, main window will stay hidden after capture even if it was showing at time of capture.
  • [BugFix] Copying and pasting objects using menu could result in new objects pasted out of view.

v3.06.01 - June 7, 2012
  • [Update] Upload tools now support ShareX (new version of ZUploader)

v3.05.01 - May 24, 2012
  • [MinorChange] Changed default single tray click action to do nothing (change from shortcuts options tab).
  • [MinorChange] The delay set in WindowCapture1 is now used after moving a window that is partially offscreen when performing a transparent window capture.
  • [MinorFix] On minimized startup, SC will avoid checking for existing of screenshot and MoveTo directories -- useful for network share screenshot directories.
  • [MinorFeature] System tray icon menu items to open last image in viewer or editor.
  • [MinorFeature] Added pop-up context menu to file info/comments panel.
  • [Feature] Added option to automatically watermark and/or zupload new screenshots.
  • [Feature] When applying bluring/interlacing/hiding effects, the transparency of the image is now flattened, to avoid leakage of information that could occur with transparency interactions.
  • [Feature] New option (checked by default) to get actual scan DPI after scanning.
  • [Feature] Image captions now support multiline captions (use \n).
  • [Feature] Image captions now support %filememo% for contents of the file memo box.
  • [Feature] Image captions now include left and center align options.
  • [Feature] You can now have captions auto-applied to new screenshots.
  • [Feature] You can now have captions automatically added to printouts (can be used to print date, application name, contents of below-image file memo, etc.)

v3.04.01 - Apr 12, 2012
  • [BugFix] Panel height for resizable bottom info panel was not being saved/restored between runs.
  • [Feature] Selection (marching ants) is now shown live in the bottom left zoom panel (cursor location is now shown more clearly too).
  • [BugFix] Dirty files are saved prior to executing a zupload action (ensures you dont upload a file that has changed but not been saved yet).
  • [Feature] Added cancel button in options to abandon any changes made in options dialog.
  • [Feature] Installer now has checkbox to start-with-windows (unchecked by default); you can use /MERGETASKS="startforall" if you want to enable this by default during install.
  • [Feature] You can now use alt+arrows to nudge upper left corner of selection (use shift+arrows to nudge bottom right corner, plain arrows to move selection box, and ctrl+arrows to adjust both corners).
  • [Feature] Color of pixel under cursor is now shown on statusbar menu toolbar; hit Ctrl+Alt+B in main window to copy it to cursor (or use alt+E to choose copy color from Edit menu).
  • [MajorFeature] When performing a selected-region capture you can now see a zoomed inset window showing magnified pixel details and precise selection crosshairs; see options for control over the zoom magnification and panel size, and to disable.
  • [Feature] You can now move the cursor icon to be captured when performing a selected-region capture; just hit the C key to move it under the mouse.  You can even use this to ADD the cursor if you do not have "capture cursor" mode enabled by default.
  • [Feature] In selected-region capture you can hit the spacebar to reset the starting selection box position (escape cancels).
  • [MinorFeature] Option added to revert to old small crosshairs in selection-region capture mode.
  • [BugFix] Using the MoveTo.. menu item to browse to a folder already on the MoveTo list would result in duplicate directories being added.

v3.03.01 - Mar 20, 2012
  • [BugFix] Moving of screenshots into OLD folder based on dates was not using local time zone, so folder date labels could be off by a few hours.
  • [MinorFeature] New option to clear arrow endpoint text when new arrows are created.
  • [Feature] From File menu you can now save selected screenshots into one PDF; improve page sizing for PDF files.
  • [Feature] New function in File menu to delete all selected files.
  • [Feature] Added some system SendTo items to the SendTo folder.
  • [Feature] When sending email via MAPI you can now leave TO field blank (to be filled out in your email program).
  • [MinorChange] Added longer delay after capturing selected region image with cursor, in order to give time to move cursor to desired position.
  • [Feature] After you initiate an object capture, you can now hit the hotkey to trigger it again in order to indicate that the current region should be captured and saved, but object mode left open to capture another; useful for performing several repeat captures.
  • [Feature] New option to not show email info dialog when using MAPI.

v3.00.00 - Feb 5, 2012 - Gizmo Edition
  • [MajorFeature] New splice effects (ragged edge, etc.); also available in cropping and in border menu.
  • [MajorFeature] Super deluxe scrolling capture system.
  • [MajorFeature] Easy watermarking menu and options.
  • [MinorFeature] Options to preserve dates when saving modifying screenshot files.
  • [MinorFeature] Options to rename when changing content and filename field of files.
  • [[MinorFeature] Loading an image now shows its creation/modification date in statusbar.
  • [BugFix] Fixed rare problem with settings file not saving on networked pcs; added option to not save settings during logoff of user.
  • [BugFix] Fixed minor issues when initiating a capture and SC needed to show save-confirmation dialog for previous image.
  • [BugFix] You can now capture cursor even in region select capture mode (just move cursor to position quickly after initiating capture); configured delay no longer happens BEFORE start of capture.
  • [BugFix] Fixed an access error that could occur if you deleted the first screenshot you take after starting program.
  • [BugFix] Arrow text (and text box?) text editing could be really slow sometimes.
  • [BugFix] Recent version was failing to edit previous text of arrow labels.
  • [BugFix] Email SendTo would add new items even if toemail field was blank.
  • [MinorFeature] MoveTo directories can now support things like %APPDIR% etc for more portable configuration.
  • [BugFix] Miscelaneous small bug fixes

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« Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 09:01 AM by mouser »


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You can now comment on this announcement thread.  Comments will be split off onto a new thread with each new release.  I think this will make it easier for people to discuss releases but still keep the announcements clean.


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Updated to 2.28.06 - i want to make this a non-beta if no problems show up.


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I have now switched to ver 2.28.05, and the problems I reported earlier with the automatic copy to clipboard now seems to be solved - excellent!
There is however a new problem, the image now has a DPI of 200, no matter what settings I make in the preferences. I have also tried to change the DPI from the SpecialFX menu after the image have been captured, but I still end up with 200 DPI and this results in a very small image when I paste it into an email. Of course I can scale it up, but again it's one extra step...
This was not an issue in the last version.


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thanks for the quick report about the dpi bug i will look into it immediately.


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v2.30.04 - 2/09/07
  • When copying and pasting to programs that support DPI information, Screenshot Captor now honors the DPI settings in options (solves bug where images were small when being copied and pasted into outlook, etc).
    How to use it?
    I grab an area and auto save to png file with dpi=300. When I insert picture from this file in MS word or OOo, it's still small (same as previous versions). I can find the dpi=300 information in the png file with irfanview. I can also delete this information with it. After that, inserting pic from the irfanview revised png file into doc will get a correct result.
    when use gif and other file formats, it's OK.
    when just copy & paste, (instead of insert image from file), it's OK.
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« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 03:41 AM by xbeta »


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you can set the default DPI for your new screenshots on the general settings tab. set it to 72 and all new screenshots will be big when pasted into outlook, word, etc.

you can also set the DPI for an individual image in the SpecialFX -> Color Depth+DPI menu.


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    yes, i have tried 72dpi, but It's not exact the 100% size in word.
    On my thinkpad, when i set 95 dpi, it's nearly the 100% (also most clear) size.
but, i think for the best effect when insert image from png file to ms word or OOo, the png file should have no info of dpi.
    when use gif  and other file formats (there is no dpi info in file), it's OK.
    when just copy & paste, (instead of insert image from file), it's OK.
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It works perfect for me now, I have set the DPI to 96 and the screenshots appear in perfect size when I paste them into mail messages (Outlook/Word). Thanks for the new version!


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this is the effect.
Maybe 96dpi is the right number.
but it' was OK for me in previous versions yet.

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« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 03:59 AM by xbeta »


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Re: LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - 2.30.04 - FEB 09, 2007
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2007, 07:33 AM »
Mouser - the links on the program and main downloads pages still say 2.30.02. Is the file they are linked to the updated 2.30.04 version?


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Mouser - the links on the program and main downloads pages still say 2.30.02. Is the file they are linked to the updated 2.30.04 version?

YES it is the updated version (according to the about box) - the web page needs updating.


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Version 2.32.01 is now released (see first post in thread for version history).
Hope you like it - i have some nice new features coming soon too :)


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good release, mouser.. :Thmbsup: it looks like you have nailed the refresh problem..
now can i bug you with this request? :P


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I thought you'd forgotten about me!  :(  I guess I should have known better.  :Thmbsup:  To keep me posted on this issue since a 27-March email, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

I'll have time tomorrow (1-May) to give it a good look. But I watched the Flash demo on-line (which could be the last version, I guess) and it look real good. I'll let you know.

Many thanks, again!


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Is the latest version 2.32.01 or 2.32.02?

Installing the download link to 2.32.01 shows the program is 2.32.02.

Not a big deal for this great program but I had to ask.



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this is my latest version.. :)



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I have so the 2.32.02 with this link
LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - v4.42.0 beta - July 21, 2022
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there will be a new release in days and i'll make the versions right :)


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I have always had a problem with the last file in the thumbnail display:  the filename is always hidden on the bottom past the area where the scroll stops.  When I click on it to rename the file (this happens when the filename takes up two lines, which is most of the time), I can't go down far enough.  Usually, I have to use the keyboard to navigate the filename, because the mouse won't reach.  Anyway, I've attached a picture.  Anyone else experience this?  Actually, I can't figure out how to take a screenshot of it...
Furthermore, it happens when you single-click on the filename to rename it.  The long filename turns into a cursor-box, but the width of the box is much narrower than the width of the filename before you click on it.  So, the two-line filename is now three or four lines, and the extra lines don't fit in the two line box.  I suggest either keeping the rename box width the same as the regular display width, or making the rename box high enough to accommodate the whole filename without scrolling.  Am I anal or what?


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Re: LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - 2.34.01 - SEP 01, 2007
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2007, 01:32 AM »
New version is uploaded.
Almost everything I did was to fix vista issues, so if you don't use MS Vista then you can skip this update.


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Re: LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - 2.34.01 - SEP 01, 2007
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2007, 05:29 AM »
FileForum at BetaNews now links to version 2.36.03. I can't see anything about this update. Are there any new features/fixes?


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Re: LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - 2.36.03 - SEP 28, 2007
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2007, 09:09 AM »
I've updated the version info in this thread.

Everyone should definitely upgrade to 3.36 since it includes a fix for active window selection which i broke recently in 3.34 or 3.35.

Vista users should furthermore make sure they have 3.36.03, since only with this release did i finally fix it so the license key is always saved properly and found on restart.  (if you dont use vista then 3.36.01 is fine).


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Re: LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - 2.37.01 - OCT 7, 2007
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2007, 05:59 AM »
Minor update released -- you can get it from the updater.


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Re: LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - 2.37.01 - OCT 7, 2007
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2007, 01:15 PM »
Thank you sir!
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