I know google has a lot of haters (with good reason) BUT I still respect them.
I they make no secret that we are a product, and are (reasonably) open about the ads that they are always trying to sell us etc.
The fact that they haven't tried to fight against ad blockers is pretty impressive. I'm sure they could get around them if they tried (random, changing ad servers to start with).
And compare Gmail to Facebook. Gmail uses standard protocols to allow you to change at will if you are dissatisfied. One has no problem migrating to and from a Gmail account. And Facebook locks you in, and once you have no options, it force feeds you ads, and it gets them past ad blockers by putting them in the newsfeed. "Your friend likes 'dodgy deals dogfood'" When it was only once, 2 years ago but its still in my newsfeed....
So I don't mind Google trying to get people to discover G+. Come on, if there worst offence is to use their position to gently push one of their products then I will forgive them for that. Besides, I wish more people did use G+, then I could ditch my Facebook and have a much more elegant, effective, and open social network.