I also think tony is right, i didn't quite like the videos myself (although they are very usefull).
I'm working on a test demo right now, i'll post it here for your aproval.
(I can't do sound, though. But i'll put nice text info
[edit2]HERE's[/edit2] one first test. Remember: it's just a test, to see if the format fits you (i don't like the idea of launching winamp).
If you like it, i can make a bunch of them, showing some of farr's alias (e-mail, google, define, calc), alias making (farr's context menu) and farr's options. A sort of interactive help file
[edit] I've just noticed that it's not looking good. For some reason, it appears streched. But it didn't when i tested it locally. anybody knows a solution? (i think i also have to upload an html page)[/edit]
[edit2]link removed, no longer active[/edit2]