This is probably too easy for most of you but I just can't seem to put the parts together right.
I need a simple script or batch file that will create a list of WEBSITE hyperlinks from the subfolders in a main directory. The main directory is the main website but each person in the class has their own projects that can each be entered directly by going straight to their own index.php file
Example Main directory would be
www.example.comFirst level Subdirectories would be names like "john", mary", "bill" etc
Third level Subdirectories would be their sites. The names could be anything.
maybe first_try, second_try, third_try
The end result would be a word document full of working weblinks:, then on to the next person in the 2nd level and each of their projects and so on.
This is for a setup where the people (second subdir level) as well as each one's projects (third level subdir)
will change and each time it does I have to retype the whole list. I used to have a program that did this to some extent but dont remember the name. My efforts at doing it using variables in a batch file are not coming along too well and this month it would almost be faster to type them one at a time.
Currently that would total about 150 weblinks
SO.. I was hoping someone better than me might have a solution