Good article.
The proof really is in the pudding. 50 (or whatever you like) years ago the average family lived comfortably on 1 income. Today, families struggle on 2 incomes.
This is progress? This isn't a fixed/broken/corrupt/twisted/evil system?
Sadly, when trying to explain to some people about the mechanisms at work, people get angry at you for trying to help them. It's not as bad now as before, but still, there is a lot of resistance from people - they seem to prefer living in ignorance of the things that really do matter to them and that affect their lives in fundamental ways.
The measure of wealth of a society is how well its PEOPLE are doing, not its CORPORATIONS.
From the article:
SP: How could laws and rules have been written this way, and why wouldn’t people notice it all happening? Was it a gradual shift or a more recent trend?
DCJ: Amendment by regulation by rule, one step at a time over many years, corporate lobbyists rewrote the rules. Had they done it all in one big bill we would have noticed. But who pays attention to when two words are changed in subsection q or Section 6108 of some federal or state statute. But some of this was done in the open and no journalists reported on it and no politician had an interest in pointing it out. So five states have taken away your legal right since 1913 to telephone service and put in rules that can literally mean you can only get cell telephone service. Worse, 19 states let corporations pocket the state income taxes withheld from their workers’ paychecks — you read that right, 2,700 big companies in 19 states get to keep the state income taxes of their employees. The best part, from the companies’ point of view, is they don’t have to tell the workers. All of the shift I identify in THE FINE PRINT began in either the 1980s or later, meaning when we abandoned the New Deal for Reaganism, which both parties now embrace.
The "totalitarian tiptoe" in action.