dtsearch analysis:
So dtsearch *can* technically do this, but it's not practical. it needs to index the site on your hard drive before searching it, which takes a very long time even for simple sites, let alone something like amazon. So it's probably not going to work very well. Plus, you have to configure each domain (or bookmark) separately which is also a lot of work.
looks like web link captor comes the closest so far. It would be great to load in a list (csv?) of domains/sites/bookmarks and search through those. Also would be good to get more than 10 results (or maybe I don't know where that setting is). One thing that would be awesome is this workflow:
--i have a ton of bookmarks in linkman
--export the linkman list and bring it into web link captor
--click the option to search the specified pages only, or any page with that domain
--specify how many results to return (or threshold?)
--bam! customized searching!
by the way, dtsearch is VERY cool. It might replace archivarius for me. definitely better than google desktop search or windows search. I wonder if it's better than x1?