Trying to row across an ocean has its own share of challenges. Firstly, the decision to do so and then planning, learning, training, logistics, equipment and a million other things before the oars first touch the water. Out at sea, you have to deal with exhaustion from rowing 10-12 hrs a day, the physical discomfort of living in a 6ft cabin, muscle fatigue, salt sores, sleep depravation, constantly being soaked by waves, navigating, fixing equipment - the list is endless.Yet, every one of my 106 days at sea have been a privileged experience.
Before you get to carried away, consider Roz Savage. She solo rowed across the Atlantic, then did the Pacific, and then the Indian Oceans! That total's over 10,000 miles and more then a year alone in her boat. I followed her across the Pacific and Indian rows, as she did a weekly Podcast via Sat Phone with Leo LaPorte.Here's a Youtube videoand here's her website (July 12, 2012, 09:38 AM)