I've created a *valuable* xlsx file that I've been storing on my USB drive. Everything was fine until I copied a multi-gigabyte folder to my USB drive, which seems to have corrupted the xlsx file. Now, Excel can't open it. It gives the message "Excel has found unreadable content..." and asks me to continue if i trust it, so i say yes, and then another message pops up saying it's corrupt. This is all Excel 2010, by the way.
Now, had I not password protected it, I may have been able to recover it (not sure). i tried all the stuff on the internet about that message, nothing works. It probably is unrecoverable, but I figured I'd ask the gurus here just in case.
I'm not sure what the lesson to be learned here is, maybe multiple ones. Don't use xlsx, stick to xls? Don't put valuable files on a USB drive (although I'm not sure about a better way to keep valuable files portable that you need to work with all the time)? Don't protect valuable excel files, it's just not worth it?
It will take be many hours to recreate this work, but I can do it I suppose.