Thanks guys, I really appreciate these suggestions. I can't wait to dig into these. When you take 20-30 programs and start using them next to one another, you'd be surprised how quickly the cream rises to the top. More than a few developers have written renamers for their own needs rather than for mass consumption, you several of you point out.
However, I will point out that I know very little about regular expressions and command-line utilities. While these will be noted, those naturally fall into a sub-category that might merit a second, more detailed review of these only. This review will focus mainly on the best GUI file renamer not excluding command-line, text, and RegEx abilities. If the scope is not somehow limited, then the review begins to make unfair or misaligned comparisons. Right now, I want to look at everything that's good, not just every renamer available. Fortunately, you all can help me with that last part!