"Are overly concerned about privacy, attempts to shield the screen from view of others"
"Always pay cash or use credit card(s) in different name(s)"
...I often use my mrs's CC to pay for transactions...she generally has more money in her account
"Act nervous or suspicious behavior inconsistent with activities"
erm...dunno what to gonna go over there now!
"Are observed switching SIM cards in cell phone or use of multiple cell phones"
I have 2 cell phones, and often use other peoples o0
"Travel illogical distance to use Internet Café"
...How far is "illogical" and what if I happen to go there, because I prefer the service, or the coffee is better?
"Evidence of a residential based internet provider (signs on to Comcast, AOL, etc.)"
w00p, I have several internet connections...does this mean imma blow stuff up?
"Use of anonymizers, portals, or other means to shield IP address"
So loggins on to my VPS from a public PC so I can browse without limits or firewall restrictions makes me a terrorist?
"Suspicious or coded writings, use of code word sheets, cryptic ledgers, etc."
NNJ CD8 NE( JDM £N& NWEIN NN00023 x 2
"Encryption or use of software to hide encrypted data in digital photos, etc."
So everything must be open source, by order of the FBI!
"Suspicious communications using VOIP or communicating through a PC game"
Wow...I tell people I am going to kill them about 8 times a day in games...pretty sure im talking about GAME killing, not actual murder...but who knows *evil laugh*
"Identify license plates, vehicle description, names used, languages spoken, ethnicity, etc."
^^ lol whut?
"Request specific room assignments or locations."
I need a kingsize bed, on the top floor, with a sea view...OMG I WANNA SHOOT PEOPLEZ
"Use cash for large transactions or a credit card in someone else’s name."
Didn't I answer this already?
"Arrive with unusual amounts of luggage."
...I have a wife...what is unusual?
"Make unusual inquiries about local sites, including government, military, police, communications, and power facilities."
What is considered to be unusual? ... Can I no longer say things like "Is that big white building, the White House?"
"Refuse cleaning service over an extended time."
I will not be woken up at 7am by ANYBODY
"Use entrances and exits that avoid the lobby."
What if I dont want to use the lobby!
"Abandon a room and leave behind clothing and toiletry items."
Unlikely...what is more likely is "Leave no toiletry items cause you stole all the towels"
"Do not leave their room."
So...someones wife kicks them out...they go to hotel and spend 5 days crying, only to find the FBI kicking down the door? - Sounds like a fun week
"Change their appearance."
So I can no longer change my hairstyle, clothing, or shave...or get any more tattoo's, or piercings...
"Leave the property for several days and then return."
No longer allowed to go on holiday?...Damn!