Both of you please shut your nutritional orifices, or pour nutrients inthere rather than spewing fire like a PMSing dragon.
You both have good points. 9/11 hurt tons of people. It left a scar on history, and on the lives of many people. However, two wars that were started on pretenses and killed easily 100 times the amount of people killed during 9/11, the majority of whom had nothing to do with Al Qaeda and/or terrorists.
If some KKK offshoot managed to kill 3,000 people in China, would the Chinese government be in its place to invade the USA? One can go on and bring up things like political influence, monetary support, and radical minorities to point out how different it would be from Al Qaeda and 9/11, but sadly that is not even the point I am trying to make here.
The WTC thing affected only a few people in comparison. Those wars have affected many, many more, and generations more will be affected in far worse ways than those in the USA. Those wars have started unbridled hate of muslims all over the world, have led to assassinations from emotional people who were afraid of what they do not understand, and most of all, have torn societies apart. The way I see it (and no, I'm not muslim, nor do I have muslim acquaintances) the USA has started its own WW3, with the Jews having become the Muslims who are treated just slightly nicer, and all that remains now is to wait for the 'allies' of the eastern world to make a fist and invade the USA.
Is that a dark, gloomy opinion that will offend many of you because it pretty much equates the USA with Germany and Bush with Hitler? Probably. But if those countries use the same morals of justification as the USA does, it is a distinct possibility. And since many say they are to be less moral than their western counterparts... wouldn't it be reason to fear more? Killing O
sama turned him into the martyr he wanted to be for many in the countries affected by the 'war on terror' - and I argue that is scarier than pretty much everything else.
I'm not going to post about this subject anymore. I urge others not to post about it anymore either. Everyone is free to their opinion, and I urge that we don't fight because we do not share the same joy over the death of a man, no matter how evil and despicable his acts. Let's go back to the donations, the coding and the software we love, mmk?
P.S.: I have already fulfilled
Godwin's Law, thus any and all reason to further discuss the subject are hereby void.