I'm sure you know about amazon's new cloud file backup service-clouddrive. It offers 5GB free for users and you can buy more capacity for less than the price of Amazon S3. Right now i'm looking for 3rd party sync clients to upload the files from my disk. Any suggestions ?
First a caveat: That 'more for less' depends on your usage. You pay per year for clouddrive up front, and its tiered, while s3 is usage based and non-tiered.
But as for an answer to your question, there is no API available for clouddrive yet. There's been a lot of discussion about it on the Amazon boards, but no official responses. People surmise it's because they don't want to eat their own lunch, though as I pointed out above, there are definite advantages to S3, and not just in pricing. There's speculation that the clouddrive storage is on their Reduced Redundancy Storage servers. The difference in reliability isn't that large, but it is a factor. I use JungleDisk with standard S3 because of that fact.
UPDATE: From a thread on ghacks (
http://www.ghacks.ne...free-online-storage/) it appears that
Gladinet will work with clouddrive. I can't verify that, but I figured I'd put it here for a possibility.