this is my hundredth post.
Probably not many people are reading this
but let me make a little summary of TPReal at DC.
I came here about 3 years ago because of the
C++Builder contest and I'm very glad I did. First, I won a C++Builder 6 copy which served me a long time (now I no longer programme in C++), and second, I joined a community. For me the average of 33 posts per year
is joining a community
I just don't like writing too much. But I read various parts of the Forum from time to time, and of course have the DC blog in my feed reader.
Apart from that, I consider DonationCoder my "software home", by which I mean that if I happen to write a piece of code that I'd like to make publicly available, DC is the first place I think about. The sad part is that I don't do this too often. Apart from my participation in a GOE and two NANYs, I published here
CCCCtrlC - multiple clipboard utility and earlier
TPGoogleReader - Google Reader extension for Chrome (which had
appeared before on Chrome Plugins).
So, to sum up my summary, I'd like to say that I'm really glad I'm here
even if "being here" is just 33 posts a year. Thanks!