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When you make your 100'th Post
it's not often I get a ;D response to my posts
but I did with this one
It actually was my 3000th but captured it a little late which made it look like #3004 - but that a bit like 2001 isn't it ? :)
Congratulations, tomos :Thmbsup:
Keep 'em coming :)
it's not often I get a ;D response to my posts
but I did with this one
(see attachment in previous post)
It actually was my 3000th but captured it a little late which made it look like #3004 - but that a bit like 2001 isn't it ? :)
-tomos (June 28, 2009, 12:44 PM)
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Haha, this is my hundredth post.
Probably not many people are reading this :) but let me make a little summary of TPReal at DC.
I came here about 3 years ago because of the C++Builder contest and I'm very glad I did. First, I won a C++Builder 6 copy which served me a long time (now I no longer programme in C++), and second, I joined a community. For me the average of 33 posts per year is joining a community :) I just don't like writing too much. But I read various parts of the Forum from time to time, and of course have the DC blog in my feed reader.
Apart from that, I consider DonationCoder my "software home", by which I mean that if I happen to write a piece of code that I'd like to make publicly available, DC is the first place I think about. The sad part is that I don't do this too often. Apart from my participation in a GOE and two NANYs, I published here CCCCtrlC - multiple clipboard utility and earlier TPGoogleReader - Google Reader extension for Chrome (which had appeared before on Chrome Plugins).
So, to sum up my summary, I'd like to say that I'm really glad I'm here :) even if "being here" is just 33 posts a year. Thanks!
So, to sum up my summary, I'd like to say that I'm really glad I'm here :) even if "being here" is just 33 posts a year. Thanks!
-TPReal (August 04, 2009, 01:09 PM)
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I believe that everyone here is valuable so, were you absent, we'd all be the poorer for that.
Congratulations on your century! :up: :up:
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