Ok, I will sound as an asshole, but whats up with the victim mentality?
His creative work:
Pose making a funny face, take a picture and then place it on flickr.
Total time: At most. including creative thinking, one day. The work itself, 1 hour.
Total Cost: One picture roll + development of pictures (if he did not use a digital camera). Near to zero if he did use a digital camera.
That means that at most, he got stolen 1 day of work. Which if you count the publicity, and pay work he got because of it, its nothing. As he got more than the day of work worth. Now he gets to play the victim in the video in order to milk more of it.
Or is anyone suggesting that a 1 day of work is supposed to bring you money for the rest of your life?
As of his work stolen, either he was really really REALLY dumb to put work on flickr and expect that no one will use without telling him. Or he did it on purpose to get publicity for his work. Either way, he does not deserve pity.
As for consequences of sharing the art of the Internet (if you want to get paid). You could just keep it on your portfolio (and loose free publicity of your work), you could just place a low resolution version (difficult to use on printing), or you could add a watermark to it.
If you are doing it for fun or for the art, then why would you have a problem with others using it? Either you care about the money or do not care about the money, do not be a hypocrite. And don't expect to work once and get paid the rest of your life.