Funny. It's now 4:55am...
I've been dealing with a very irate person's technical issue since about 9:45PM yesterday. She's a self-described 'expert user' who hard-crashed her Thinkpad after messing with things in the
registry and
system32 folder. Supposedly, this was done at the behest of the notebook manufacturer's phone support people. (
Of course that doesn't explain why there's an almost complete copy of her
My Documents folder inside her
Favorites folder inside her
My Documents folder! Plus
one more complete copy of the previous mess in a folder named
Favorites which is sitting on her desktop. Nor does it explain why the restoration recovery partition seems to be missing half its files. Or why...
The manufacturer recommended she backup her data and then do a full "factory restore" to fix the current problem. She does not want that. She has spent "hours and hours" customizing her desktop. She wants the laptop "fixed
back to exactly the way it was before -
except working." (Interesting way to phrase it, don't you think?)
She's a 'very good friend' of the very important client who gave her my name.
Long night...
Kinda goes with the turf.
Welcome to the world of tech support.
Update: It is now 5:38am...