- All clips with URLs were filtered OK using the rule: (Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%http:%') OR (Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%www.%') OR (Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%ftp:%')
- All clips with "the" in the text filtered OK using the rule: (Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%the%')
- Text filtering failed using a rule with an upper case character as the first character in the filter string- e.g., (Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%The%') - so it looks as though the syntax is upper-case-averse.
This is not actually a "Failure" of the software but actually the behavior of the "Filter-Code" that was specified.
The SQL "Filter-Code" you have specified: (Lower(ClipText) LIKE '%The%') means to:
1) look at a copy of the text of each clip
2) convert the copy of the clip text to lower case with "Lower()"
3) take action based on match (or not) to your text "The" which contains an uppercase letter, and can never match the clip which is being viewed as all lowercase.
The original SQL "Filter-Code" by mouser that you copied from was constructed to be case insensitive. If you want to do a case sensitive compare/match, just take out the "Lower" term like:
((ClipText) LIKE '%The%') ... or perhaps: (ClipText LIKE '%The%')