Strange. Just for you I updated my USB stick(s) from Jarte 3.4 portable to 4.3 portable. ArsClip worked fine with both versions, at least with plain text, I haven't tried again with RTF. I'm using the latest ArsClip Beta, 3.1.5 build 4031, which is on Joe's Web site as OS is Vista Home Premium.-rjbull
Oh dear. Same here, thoughout. That means the Gremlins are doing it. I HATE that.
...hang on, Jarte does clipboard monitoring. I wonder if it's that that's interfering... but then, it'd probably cause CHS to have problems, and it doesn't.
Mouser? There's a CHS option called Window Watching that defaults to on and that I thought might be the reason CHS worked and ArsClip didn't. Is it doing anything hugely clever that other, similar, programs might not?
I am now Proper Mystified. (I hate that too!)
It's going to turn out to be something stupid I've done, I expect. (And I
especially hate that!)
Good for you! I don't use word processors much, mostly editors. But on the face of it, it's hard to see why it's worth paying more for an RTF WP.-rjbull
People want something that can knit, bake a good rice pudding and cycle up the curtains as well as put words on paper, it seems.
I can see the justification for DTP for some people, some of the time -- but then, I've been using DTP software for outputting documents where I wanted much more precise control of things than most WPs can provide for many, many years. (1989 might have been my first DTP package. That makes me feel suddenly very old.) But you're right -- most people who want WP think Word instantly, and there's absolutely no good reason for it except Microsoft's marketing machine, most of the time.
All those I mentioned have portable versions
That told
me Okay, okay, I'll try again. But I still want to make CHS work better for me, because I'm arrogant enough to believe that if it works better for me, it'll work better for everyone else too. Nonsense, of course, but I haven't been a techie for all this time without having come to the conclusion that I'm right about everything most of the time.
-- bests, Tim