I don't think there's a good start menu manager out there (that I've seen at least). I know that you can do this using a regular file manager and just move the shortcut files around, but it would be nice to have a tool specifically for this. Some programs are in the All Users folder and some programs are in your specific login directory. I'm looking for something that can easily move things back and forth and add items easily. Also, have several options including one that will APLHABETIZE the list, and maybe some other options for sorting.
I've tried a couple of programs that do this, sort of, (I don't remember them right now). But they weren't very good at all. Usually, when I do this now, I just use Directory Opus and have two panes open and start moving the shortcuts back and forth.
Other nice features would be:
--Saving certain configurations, in case you want to have things arranged multiple ways
--Right-click option to quickly add shortcuts to exactly where you want in a start menu
--Profile synchronizer, in case you want to make a few user profiles the same, etc.
Anyway, that's it.