Is a violent world we live in. Sweet coating it will not help the children.
"Sweet coating" carries a connotation of preventing the child from knowing the truth of a reality. It is a "violent world we live in...," but it also a beautiful one too, if the child is taught where to look. To suggest that preventing the teen-age populace from unfettered access to graphically and audibly modeled violence is in some way "Sweet coating" is somewhat narrow and could be construed to be manipulative. I ask you, does a constant diet of "Mortal Kombat," "GTA," etc. *really* represent the real world for everyone all the time?
As I have stated elsewhere, even the FBI has understood the best way to educate is to provide a constant contact with the authentic for a specified period of time, then when the counterfeit appears it sticks out like a sour note in a symphony. The aberration is easily recognizable. This legislation (like the vast majority of laws) was provoked because of a vacuum of responsibility. Don't blame the Legislature, except where said body created circumstances which prevented parents from doing what would come natural... parenting. Yet, as has been noted, a vicious cycle is produced because...
Laws are enacted to fill the void of bad parenting = Bad parenting is provoked by inappropriate laws.
Instead, foment cooperation instead of competition. All games and school are about competition instead of cooperation. Heck the whole system is about competition.
I, for one, am very intrigued by how you would suggest you/we/they "foment cooperation?"
And that is what keeps a few controlling a rat race.
No argument from me on this one. Ever heard of a
Central Bank? (Pssst - take the "Goals" part with a grain of salt.