Application Name | "VeggieSquares" |
Version | Pre-Release |
Short Description | A "game" that will train children(?) about the simplicity of planning a small vegetable garden. |
Development IDE | LiveCode |
Supported OSes | Vista(32) and Windows 7(64) at present |
Download Link | >>----> <----<< Download here! |
System Requirements | - A PC running Windows Vista(32) or Win7(64) for now.
- Monitor capable of 1024 x 768.
- A Mouse, TrackPad or TrackBall
Version History | Click to Read Version History... - (2011-02-16)
- Transparent minor changes.
- Made available via Twitter.
. - (2011-01-08c)
- Corrected numerous spelling errors.
- Added credits for the invaluable assistance of "A. Nonymous."
. . - (2011-01-08)
- Migrated code to LiveCode with assistance.
- Added simple animation
- Reduced zip file to a single exec.
. - (2010-12-31)
- NOTE: Due to a corruption of the program data, the project had to be rebuilt and due to the time constraints, drastically simplified. Further development will be for a later time.
- The idea of making caricatures of the "Veggies" as animated entities was scrubbed. There will be no "talking" between "Veggies."
- The various cafe, corral, etc. background bitmaps was scrubbed in favor of allowing the visualization and the reinforcement of the simplicity of "four-square" gardening.
- The name "VeggieWorld" was changed to "VeggieSquares" to emphasize the simplicity of the method this software introduces.
- "Turnip" and "squash" was eliminated. "Peppers," "Onions," "Beans" and "Lettuce" were all added, but unfortunately, only one instance of each Veggie is available at present.
. - (2010-12-23)
- Tomato, Turnip and Squash "Veggie" graphics have been completed.
- Creation and compilation of compatibilities/incompatibilities is well under way.
- The "Veggie Bin" (area where the "Veggies" are "stored") to the "Four-Square" garden area are now laid out correctly.
- Basic function of the drag-and-drop is now working.
- Collision detection works, but the comment "thought cloud" object only flashes and disappears.
Author | "CodeTRUCKER," |
Important Contributors | Click To Read About Some Very Important People... The following individuals deserve recognition for their part in various aspects of "VeggieSquares." Some earlier folks helped frame a clearer focus on the author's original vision, weeding out traps and pitfalls while adding ideas for improvement. Some picked up where the initial contributors left off adding their own indelible mark. Lastly, some people were there at the end when it was time to bring the project together. Without this last group, all of the planning, consultation and criticisms would have not realized a tangible outcome. The Second Wave | These contributors are usually the ones who came in a little later or have lurked about the goings-ons until the time was ripe to comment. This group did (and often does) change the direction of a project. Contributions at this stage of the development can not be overstated.
Stoic Joker | Thank you for your willingness to "tell it like you see it." Your insights never fail to sharpen my focus. Thanks also for your encouragement and vote of confidence that I could tackle C++ if I wanted to. FYI - "Fences" is still alive. It's just simmerin'. |  insomnianiac | In combination with the comments of daddydave above, your insights provoked the change from where "VeggieWorld" was to where "VeggieSquares" is and will be in the future. Your contribution was certainly not "daft." | vlastimil | Enthusiasm in an "audience" will always have an effect on the "performer." I hope the enthusiasm you expressed for my efforts has been well rewarded in "VeggieSquares?" Remember to keep an eye out for further additions and improvements. |
The Unsung Heroes | Any project is always the product of collaboration. Even if the author/developer has no apparent assistance, what is eventually produced is the result of numerous contributors. New ideas, features overall structure is often changed by what an author hears and sees from these "others." These are the true "Unsung Heroes" of success. These are the anonymous ones (past, present and future) whose seemingly insignificant comments to others provoked chains of inspiration that were eventually expressed as, "...did you ever think about doing...." and "...are you sure you want to include that....?" Without them, we authors would continually produce dull, dry boring stuff. With them our embryonic notions gestate, form and grow into something of substance. This throng may be unknown, but they certainly are not unnecessary. The sheer numbers of these "contributors" prevent any reasonable effort to list them, so I would like to take this opportunity to say a collective, "Thank you!" |
The Public Hosts | These are the people that have adopted "VeggieSquares" and publicized it on their own web sites. Thank you for your vote of confidence in seeing "VeggieSquares" as an asset!
DescriptionFirst off, "VeggieWorld" will
always be a freebie! The reason is one of the most fundamental needs of human existence is to eat and to eat the food the food has to come from the local grocery store, right? Well, not really.
Click For A Rationale...
The local grocery store is only the place to "store" food to be collected. Yes, everyone knows this, but when was the last time you thought of a bird with beautifully multicolored feathers, bright red combs and wattles when you placed the bag of frozen leg quarters in the cart? When you bought the last box of frozen mixed vegetables that the little orange cubes of carrot provoked an image of a narrow cone-shaped orange colored object with a green top? My point is that our society has systematically removed our connection to the fundamental source of staying alive.
Gardening is not taught in our schools at all unless one is fortunate enough to be educated in the country schools that still have 4-H programs and thriving FFA clubs, but even these are beginning to direct toward agri-business. The most surprising aspect of this is in the event of a national emergency it would be the ability of the populace to sustain itself that would allow the government to be able to act to overcome the emergency. In WWII it was the "Victory Gardens," small patches of dirt in backyards, that allowed necessary food to be sent to the troops that were in other countries. Ask yourself what you would have done if the Y2K hype had really materialized? Scary, no?
Which would you plant next to a tomato? An onion or potato? If you said "potato" you would have doomed the potato to infestations of spider mites and the tomato to an attack of fungus. If you said a "onion" you would have given the tomato a head start because the pungency of the onion deters the bugs that would attack the tomato. Why? Because, just like people, the botanical world has "folks" that get along and others that don't. In light of my brief exposition, to understand this is of some importance.
In light of the above I intend to create a interactive drag-and-drop game (tool?) for children of all ages to passively learn about the interrelationships that exist between vegetables and their organic environment. As the child "pairs" the different vegetables and other aspects of the flora the program's response will passively instruct and reinforce knowledge of some do's and don'ts in gardening.
It is my hope that children will be encouraged to experiment with "growing things" by eliminating one of the major contributors to garden failure... planting the wrong plants together.
NANY 2011 Release: "VeggieSquares" - Children's GameFeatures- The child(?) will click on sprites of all applicable vegetables the sidebar on to a background garden plot.
- The "Veggies" are dragged as desired.
- Perhaps, if time allows, the child would be able to print out either/both a report or picture of the screen scene, hopefully to assist the child in garden planning.
- Again, if time allows, the triggering of appropriate sounds and sound effects.
Planned FeaturesMy NANY app will be a simplistic and fun interface for the underlying logic and database. As my understanding and programming skills develop I intend to continue development by adding features to this app without any end in sight. I am very excited to be able to influence the lives of children in a positive and helpful way. This app will probably be my favorite all-time project!
Aside from the above, it would be my plan to further develop the coding base and other companion apps to market to the more serious-minded gardening enthusiast.
UsageInstallationNone. Simply extract and execute the single program file.
Using the ApplicationThe user must be able to follow simple instructions, open the app and drag-and-drop. Basic Windows functional abilities.
UninstallationDelete the executable.
Known IssuesCompletion of the splash screen, print capability and hep files needs completion, but it is presently usable and stable.
If this is something you would like to help with, please send them to me in a
Personal Message (Click the

icon on the left under my avatar.) I thought it would better than littering this thread them, but maybe it might provoke others to come up with some really good ones?
Thanks for your help!
FYI - "VeggieSquares" will always be a freebie! Gardening is one of the most enjoyable and long-term fulfilling activities I have known. I started in 1984 with a tomato plant in one five-gallon plastic bucket and a bell pepper plant in another. I did such a good job growing them that they were both stolen off our porch.

I took it as a compliment and hoped they enjoyed the harvest!
Attention: If anyone who is fluent in foreign language would be interested in making a non-English version, I would be happy to discuss it. Children everywhere should know how to grow things! [/list]