Running veggie squares, i could drag around the things but:
- The program was running 27% cpu usage the whole time, making the rest of my computer pretty unresponsive
- The radio boxes for grid size didn't do anything
- I couldn't get anything else to happen
Is there something i'm missing or is this just the current state of the program?
Hi mouser,
No, sadly you are not missing anything. You are experiencing the program correctly.
FYI - unfortunately, due to my unfamiliarity with the IDE (or my advancing semi-senility) on Dec. 27th I inadvertently destroyed my source code by overwriting it. Fortunately and due to help of others I was able to recover about half of the code and had to slap together in three days what took me three weeks to accomplish. The bottom line was I had to take what I could get and offer the same at present which is a very immature app.
Concerning the CPU usage, am I to understand that even in the task bar it continued to hold the stranglehold? Hmmm... I never noticed that, but I only had the IDE up when coding most of the time. I will check it out, but any comments about what I could do would be appreciated.
FYI(2) - I will be working on VeggieSquares consistently until I get it to ver. 1.00, hopefully in a couple of weeks. The only caveat is I am in the throes of making a decision about continuing in the same BASIC IDE or move to another language (Java, VB.NET, etc.) as a permanent home. Once I make that decision I will be full-speed ahead!
Thanks for the input,