I dunno. It just seems... not the thing you announce to the world. Taking someone's life (even indirectly, such as by giving the go ahead to do it) is a serious a solemn thing, even if that person "deserved" it. I don't think it belongs on Twitter, where it feels like:
"just executed a criminal. feelin mighty hungry. wares my sammich? lol!"
If he needs to reconcile his conscious in such a public manner, he probably ought to get a different job. It's not like he's the judge, jury, and executioner. He's just the guy who tells the firing squad to fire after the criminal's death has already been determined by others.
I think this sums it up really well:
Yes, the “public” would have read about this in the newspaper, or watched a clip about the execution on their evening news. With 140 characters, though, it’s difficult to express any type of sentiment or meaning behind one’s words. The AG simply stated that he approved the execution at that time. People will read any number of things into his message. Unless you were standing with Mr. Shurtleff at the time he sent the tweet, it’s likely you have no idea how he “felt” about it.