Ah, thanks to packrat email habits and Gmail search, I have unraveled the mystery. Straight from the horse's (er my) mouth:
"Btw I registered specifically because of interest in the "Clipboard Help+Spell" program. It sounds fantastic. Simple and elegant but very powerful. Exactly what a scattered guy like me needs! Currently I use a sort of "Diary"/journal program to take care of this, but since it's organized by date it can be very scattered and confusing. It's a great app actually, just not the right thing for my needs. And the higher end "brainstorming" apps are overkill, and usually expensive.
Incidentally I came across the site through your review of archiving programs. Tugzip is also my archiver of choice right now, and in fact I believe they've addressed some of the concerns raised in the site review as of version 3.4 which was recently released. But in any case it's a great review, and your other reviews also impressed me. Keep up the good work!"
Sadly Tugzip appears to be a dead project now. New forum threads seem to mostly consist of spam bots talking to each other:
http://www.tugzip.co...dex.php?topic=1270.0Which is interesting actually. I'm sure many of you have seen how clever some of these automated spam bots can be, selecting bits of semi-relevant text from their vast stores of collected material to match with snippets of presumably original material in the thread they're posting to. I wonder what would happen if you had a forum made up entirely of 1000's of spam bots parroting each other. Anyone else think we could get brilliant literature in less than a million iterations, say a month of back and forth?

P.S. Wow, I end my posts with grins a lot, eh?
- Oshyan